I’ve always heard about the wisdom that can come from the mouths of kids. I’ve not had much experience with that personally, but am starting to get a glimpse now that my son is talking more.
When he was a baby, we taught our son baby sign language. Today, at almost 23 months, he knows more than 40 signs, and despite his ability to say a few words, the signs really helps us fill in parts of the conversation we can’t understand.
Yesterday was a typical day. I was racing around, stressed out and frustrated that I couldn’t get things done fast enough. I had made it to the gym and grocery store. I was racing to unload groceries and scrambling to feed my son lunch quickly so I could get some food in his belly before his midday nap.
As I hurriedly put items in the refrigerator and crammed random pieces of food into my mouth so I could eat a bit too (really, it was that hurried and gross,) my son, who was watching my panicked and crazy state signed “please” as he asked me to “peas sit.”
Time stopped. His request hit me right between the eyes. He was right.
I pulled up a chair and sat next to my son as he ate. He was totally content and peaceful, without a stress or a worry. He was taken care of and had good food to eat. He was spending time with Mom. In his world, all was perfect because I was taking time to sit and spend time with him. That’s all it took.
I’m not good at that… sitting and spending time. I frantically run from one thing to the next. In my scramble, I often forget how I got where I am. Literally, that same morning, I was asked by my friend how the weekend was. I had no idea. It was yesterday, and I had no idea.
After lunch, we went outside for a bike ride. I put my son in his Radio Flyer and he grabbed my phone. “I’m not going to look at it,” I told him. Which was true. I always keep it with me but was planning on being present, spending time and playing with him. But he ripped the phone from my hands and threw it on the ground. “Sorry,” he signed, as he matter of factly affirmed his decision outloud. “Sars.” And just like that, he went right back about his business, expecting me to fall in line.
I died laughing, wishing I had someone there to share the moment with. He was so funny and clever. And at the same time, brutally right and honest.
I need to take time to slow down and enjoy life. My son is growing before my eyes, and I’m so often distracted by things, not just my phone, but tasks and petty concerns that really don’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things.