
Erin grew up in West Texas and met her husband there in college. She and J. have been married for 24 years and have lived all over Texas and the Caribbean. She settled in Corpus about 6 years ago and loves being close to the beach once again. Erin’s son arrived when she was 39, so she’s a late-comer to the mommy party! Erin has been writing in some form for most of her professional career, including for TV news, press releases and commercials. She joined CCMB to learn more about blogging. She also contributes videos of CCMB events. Likes: Weezer, avocados, nerd humor, reading, cooking, eating and wine. Dislikes: people who drive slow in the fast lane and being late.

Earth Day: Actually Using Those Reusable Shopping Bags

By now, we have all heard there is too much plastic in our environment, especially in the form of plastic shopping bags. You may have...
WIW-WeatherTech Floor Liners

Worth It Wednesday: WeatherTech FloorLiners

Having a kid and living by the beach is not the most conducive environment for keeping my car clean.  I was talking to my sister...

Worth It Wednesday: So Long Chub Rub!

I've never been a "thigh gap" kind of gal.  {Anyone else?} I've always had thighs that rubbed together, from the time I was a girl til...

Library Love: Celebrating National Library Week

The week of April 7th through the 13th is National Library Week in the United States. First started in 1958, the week honors libraries,...

Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Kids!

Before becoming a mom, celebrating St. Patrick's Day was very much an adult event for me. I can't even tell you how much green...

Loving the Dog I Didn’t Want

I recently inherited a dog from my father-in-law who passed away. Meet Khloe: She is a four year old Australian Shepherd. She is full of energy,...
Movies I Love

Movie Love: Films I Adore

So, last week, in honor of Valentine's Day, I got to thinking about some of my favorite love stories/movies. So typical, some, well....not what...
4 Ways to Boost Weight Loss

Fit Friday || 4 Ways to Boost Weight Loss

(Remember, before starting any diet and exercise regimen, talk with your doctor first.) Last week we heard from Jennifer and will be following along with...

Dinner in a Flash: 3 Simple Recipes

You must be in a hurry (and famished) if you’re reading this. And if you’re anything like me, you get hangry quickly. These simple (and...

Christmas Traditions: Tamales and $2 Bills

To be honest, I didn't think I had that many traditions until I sat down to write this post, ha!  However, upon reflection, I...