Emily Schofield
The New Year Reflection Jar
The New Year Reflection Jar
I love seeing everyone's highlight reels this time of year. Facebook and IG are full of our "Top Nine" photos....
Mamas this is for you : BUY THE PANTS
We were headed out and I was getting ready. I stood in front of my closet hating myself and the fact that only 25%...
The Ranch Hand Festival: A Perfect Day in Kingsville
29th Annual Ranch Hand Festival
We had such a wonderful time this past weekend at the 29th annual Ranch Hand Festival! The festival is the...
The Christmas Book Tradition
The Christmas Book Tradition
I once heard it said that "family traditions give our children a sense of belonging" (Jessica Smartt) . This rings true...
La Posada De Kingsville: A Must See Small Town Tradition
Small Town Traditions
When you move to a new town you have the opportunity to embrace new traditions. Moving to Kingsville has provided us many...
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
National Diabetes Awareness Month
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
So what is diabetes? There are a few types of diabetes, these types are Type One Diabetes...
8 Self Care Practices for the Everyday Mom
Becoming a Mother has been one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of my life. Yet with each of my babies I feel...
How “theme” night meals can simplify dinner time
Weekly "Theme" Nights Can Simplify Dinner Time
(And get your family back to the dinner table)
As the school year has picked up and demands have...
Embracing Holidays With Type One Diabetes
You don't need to be afraid of the Holidays!
Three weeks after our daughter was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes, our church had a Holiday...
5 Ideas for the Perfect Day in the Coastal Bend
The day has dawned bright and beautiful, and you have an entire Saturday with your family! I assure you there is NO need to...