Celeste Baltierra
Let’s Party! Your Guide to Coastal Bend Area Party & Event Places
Planning a party can be stressful -
so we've taken some of the work off of your plate and researched this fun list! Whether you're...
Fun Holiday Gift Ideas for Baby
Holiday Themed Books
If you’re looking for a family tradition to start on Baby’s First Christmas, look no further! You cannot go wrong with...
The Bright Side of Black Friday
It never fails. Every year we hear about the war Black Friday shopping has waged on family time. Stores are opening earlier and earlier,...
Though She Be But Little…She is Fierce || A Premature Birth Story.
When you think about giving birth and bringing a newborn home for the first time, you’re terrified, and excited all at the same time....
The Bumpy Road to Motherhood : When It Doesn’t Go As Planned
Bachelor’s Degree? Check.
Law Degree? Check.
Full-time job practicing law? Check.
Homeowner? Check.
Adoring husband? Check.
By 2016 I had everything I ever wanted. Now,...
Meet the Contributors : Introducing Celeste
Corpus Christi
Celeste, the youngest of four siblings, is from Robstown, just outside of Corpus. She graduated from Robstown High School in 2008, and subsequently...