Today has been a productive day for me. And honestly, as I drove to pick up the kids I was in the best mood, I audibly thought to myself “even though I didn’t get everything on my list done, today was a great day”
Then boom. It happened. I was hit with a wave of exhaustion.
It came out of nowhere and my afternoon caffeine only intensified the feeling.
My head began to throb, and my mind drifted to bedtime willing it to be closer.
Realizing I have soccer practice and dinner and baths still to get through makes it worse.
And now the bickering begins between the kids threatening to snap the last of my patience, I feel the primal yell of “please just stop” bubbling up from my core.
The only thing I know to do is to retreat into the dark and semi-quiet of my room. Let the kids hash it out and destroy the house while I lay there trying to hang on to what energy I have left.

The clock keeps reminding me I can’t stay here long. My body is screaming at me to crawl under the covers and close my eyes.
Yet I can’t do that just yet. I will muster up that magic mom power to will myself up.
Then when we return home and my husband has returned from work I will tag him in and thank the stars I was smart enough to plan a crockpot meal for today!
I don’t know if this ever happens to you, or if this is just your daily routine, but momma if you feel like you are about to lose it, or you just can’t do one more thing. Be kind to yourself, take a moment or a night to breathe, and remember that it is ok to take a break. You and your family will be happier for it.