Picking a word to set the tone for the new year is not a novel concept. I heard about it on the radio back in 2012 and decided to adopt the idea instead of a New Year’s Resolutions.
The premise is simple. I pick a word or a phrase that I want to live by that year. Now, I like that when I think back, I remember years by the word I chose to represent them, and not by my failure to stick to a bunch of resolutions. {Not that there’s anything wrong with setting goals and working to accomplish them. It’s just my personal preference for the beginning of the year.}
2012 & 2103: Trust and Be Thankful
With everything we were going through in 2012 (with a sick baby in my belly who would eventually go be with Jesus at 37 weeks,) “Trust and be Thankful” were the words that resonated in my heart. So much so that I held on to it for 2 years.
2014: Relax and Enjoy
2014 brought calm after a couple of stormy years and was marked by “Relax and Enjoy.” We spent so much time longing to have a baby in our arms and the time was finally here! So I made it a point to soak in every moment, every challenge, every milestone. There was so much to enjoy in 2014. My growing baby and my grown belly. When we found out I was pregnant again I wanted to take advantage of the sweet time Ethan and I had (just us) because I knew it would change forever soon. It was a good year!

2015: Here and Now
For 2015 I chose “Here and Now.” With my two boys in my arms I didn’t want to spend my time wondering what my life would be if Evan had lived. I didn’t want to spend my time wishing for more babies either. My reality right then was that I had a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys in my arms. I didn’t want to miss any of the precious time we were living. It was also the year when I discovered I have what it takes to accomplish big things. I lost 40+ lbs. and was in the best shape of my life. We closed the year with wonderful news, on Dec. 31st we found out Jackson would be joining our family.

2016: Perspective
2016 was a whirlwind. As the boys entered toddler hood, I realized I had no clue how to parent them. So my journey to discover what I believe in as a parent and a person started. “Perspective” was the word. It helped me yell less when there were spills and messes. It helped me remain thankful when we moved to a tiny apartment after selling our house. Perspective is a powerful tool. I haven’t perfected its use but having it present has been great help!

2017: Living On Purpose
2017 was an adventure. “Living on purpose” was my phrase this year. We left our secure life to pursue what is important to us. More family time, freedom, and adventure among other things. It has been a time of growth in every area. Life hasn’t been easy, but we are so much more aware. We ask the question “why are we doing this?” very often now.
Now comes the fun! It’s time for a new word for this year!