Mom’s Night Out, Girl’s Night, Tribe Time, Self Care…whatever you call it, all moms need a guiltless night out to breathe, a night to refresh, reconnect the list goes on.

A few weeks ago we hosted an MNO event at The Exchange-Corpus Christi. It was a perfect balance of a night. The conversations were an endless chatter of kids, pregnancies, losses, marriage and more…it was nice to know we were not alone in this beautiful ‘hood called “Motherhood”. Even more fun was that there was such a diverse group of women – new mamas in their early 20’s having meaningful and intentional conversations with veteran mama’s in their 40’s. It was so lovely to have that time to connect, make new friends, and learn from one another. We all left happy with our cups filled.
I myself get so wrapped up in the day to day commitments of kids, husband, work, etc. that I’m often left exhausted – yet yearning for conversation, connection and just plain fun!

As moms we can often talk ourselves out of going to meet up with girlfriends for dinner, movie or anything child free because of the guilt.
I’m here to tell you: your children will survive!
They might eat every single snack in the house but they will survive and you will get some well-deserved me-time! This time away could be the breather/mental break you needed. It could be the time that you meet a mom that shares a similar story to yours.
Take the chance, we need you ❤️.

Just to give a little FAQ on CCMB mom mingles: we welcome and encourage everyone to attend! COME AS YOU ARE! But you might be saying to yourself:
I don’t have anything to wear??? — Mama! Throw those leggings on or that fun dress you got on clearance, perhaps those wedges that are collecting dust? Take a few minutes for YOU! Maybe you want to put on a little make up (or not!), fix your hair and maybe hire a sitter for a few hours. TBG – Your kiddos probably will start wonder if they get to wear fun clothes too!
I won’t know anyone! Girl. We get you! That is a hard pill to swallow…. yet we push our kids to go make friends on the playground and at school. You got this and we got you! If you really don’t want to fly solo, grab your neighbor, playgroup buddy, or hit one of us up and we will be your plus one for the night!
Moms, consider this your personal invite to any and all mom mingles…whether it is one of our events, a church bible study, or even a power walk with a friend…