Close to two years ago, I was a widowed, single mama to two boys, doing my best to do all of the things.
After my husband passed away, we did what we could to keep our heads above water and tried to find joy in the little things. At the time I was a full time high school teacher – teaching theatre and musical theatre – and directing UIL (competitive) One Act Play. My team was super awesome – which meant we advanced all the way to the State Comp, but that also meant I was busy – like ACTUALLY BUSY – for about 18+ hours per day. It left zero time for anything else.
As my boys and I started our first summer break as a team of three, I committed to making it the most fun summer ever. I also committed to becoming a better and healthier example for my boys.
Side Note: My weight has always fluctuated. The previous summer I was at the highest weight I’d ever been: I’m embarrassed at how I had let myself go…always with the excuse that I was just too busy to eat right or find time to exercise.
So, in the fall of 2016, I decided to try to, at the very least, make better food choices. It helped! I lost 10 lbs!
Then my husband died.
And, in the next 6 months, I lost 15lbs in what I like to call that my “grief+treading water diet”. {Note: Do not recommend.}
As we plowed into summer, I was feeling pretty good being down the 25lbs – but I still didn’t really feel healthy. I lost weight because I was too busy and too distracted to actually eat. Not ideal.
Fast forward to 4th of July weekend. We were in Oklahoma visiting my family. My 84 year old grandfather has signed up to run a 10K that weekend. My sister signed up for the 5K. My kids signed up for the Fun Run. As they all were getting their registration numbers, I thought: if they can do this, so can I. So I signed up for the 5K.
My sister and I did it together. She is a trained yoga instructor and has been a runner her whole life.
I hadn’t run a complete mile (without stopping) in 20 years.
I thought I was going to die during the 5K. My sister walked/ran with me the entire time and encouraged me to keep going. We were hot and sweaty and my lungs felt like they might explode.
But we finished. And when I look back at the photos from the end of the race, I am filled with joy and pride. It wasn’t pretty and I wasn’t fast. At all. But I did it.
That week in Oklahoma, I decided to go run/walk a 5K every day. I had someone to watch my kids while I went, my mom’s neighborhood was nice and shady, and hey: if I completed a 5K once, it would only get easier. While I won’t say it was easier, I knew I could do it. And I did.
Later that month, my boys and I were back in Texas and were on a family & friends beach trip visiting our favorite places in Port Aransas. On the first night we met Brad. (My now husband and the reason we are in Corpus Christi!) As we were talking and getting to know each other, I mentioned running the 5K and setting goals and made the (very bold) statement that I wanted to run a half marathon.
Once I put it out in the universe, I knew I had to follow through.
I returned back to work and was so lucky to have an amazing group of friends who committed to running a half marathon with me. So 7 teachers (and the principal) and I began training to run the Austin 3M Half Marathon.
It was not easy.
I had to create time. Some days I ran on the track during my off period. Some days I ran in the parking lot while kids were leaving school before my rehearsal started. Some days I got up early and was on a treadmill at 5:00AM to run before waking up my boys for school. Some days it was cold. Some days I sweat buckets. But all days I did it.

What made all the difference was that I had the best support system – not only a group to share my runs with – but I had encouragers every step of the way.
Between my friends who were running with me, my sister who encouraged me constantly, and Rad Brad – who told me I was awesome and a badass and he was so proud of me everytime I sent him a running selfie….I was motivated.
Running became my quiet time where – despite the craziness of my full time work schedule and rehearsal schedule after school, I found ways to carve out 30 minutes here and there to train. I found that I NEEDED that head space.
I was happier, more patient, a better mom, a better teacher, a better friend.
The day of the half marathon came and WE DID IT.

It is still one of my biggest and most proud accomplishments to date!
After not being able to run a full mile only six months before, I set a personal goal to run a 1/2 Marathon. And we did it.

The half-marathon was also Rad Brad’s first public appearance as my guy. I will forever be grateful and love the memories of him bringing the boys to cheer us on at the Half. He scoped out spots ahead of time and he and the boys would just appear at random places along the race route. It made all of us smile every time we saw them!
My favorite moment – that literally took my breath away – was when they popped up around the 10.5 mile mark. I was SO. DANG. TIRED. And then there they were. As they jogged down the street to give me water, a spectator – with a bull horn – yelled:
“Way to go guys – way to support mom. That’s what family looks like right here!”
My heart exploded. It still makes me get tears in my eyes thinking about it. Seeing my boys with this man – who later became my husband and their bonus dad – rally to support me was just beyond anything I could have asked for.
We never would have had that moment without setting a seemingly INSANE personal goal, and making it happen.
I finished the run with them waiting at the finish line.
It was a good, good day.
And I can’t wait to do it again.
Now, if you actually read all of that – WAY TO GO! I want to hear your running stories! And, in honor of Global Running Day, I’m kicking off the new CCMB Running Club. Stay tuned for details…but…I highly encourage you to SIGN UP FOR A RUN today! Lots of registrations are discounted!
I have signed up to run the Harbor Half (in November; several distance options so there is definitely one for you!) and *potentially* the Corpus Christi Half in December.
It’s a lofty goal and I’m basically starting over, so I want you to do it with me! Make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram so you can be a part of the #CCMBRunningClub – Even if you hate running (now), I promise you will NOT regret it. I also HIGHLY encourage you to pop over to the Corpus Christi Moms Run This Town Facebook Page – such an amazing group of healthy, fit, runner mamas of all levels! One of the first social pages I joined upon moving to CCTX!
I can’t wait to get back into my training and share the journey with all of you. We owe it to ourselves to take that me-time. You are worth it. You deserve it. You can do it!!