Aging is a normal part of life, right? I’ve spent most of my life looking younger than I actually was. People generally couldn’t believe my age….you’re 40? No way...was the typical response. I’ve reached a point in my life now though that I’m starting to see it in the mirror. After all, I should expect life to catch up to me eventually, right? I went from “peaches and cream” skin to laugh lines, wrinkles, and strangely placed chin-hairs.
I’m one of the older moms here on the CC Moms Blog, at the ripe young age of 50. I talked about turning the big 5-0 here on this post, if you have an interest in checking that out. I love reading all the stories from all the beautiful moms around me. But, let’s face it… I’m pretty sure I’m everyone’s senior. Here’s why I can say that…
I’m past raising littles.
My youngest is now 11 ½, so toddlers, potty training, and car seats are a thing of the past. My oldest children are in their 30s. Yea, so that means I’ve been raising kids for over 30 years. Whoa… nothing like saying that out loud to make one shake their head just a little.
I’m now on the downhill side of child-rearing and that scares me, oh, more than a little bit. The reality is, I’m 6 1/2 years away from our last child turning 18. That alone makes me feel my age.
While aging is a normal part of life, can we all say we are doing it gracefully? In my case, that remains to be seen, but I like to think I’m giving it my very best. I remember about 11 ½ years ago watching my sister-in-law pluck out a few chin hairs. She laughed and told me to “just wait.” I do believe my eyes got a little bigger that day and I prayed that would not be the case for me.
Well, let me tell you! The wait is over people. I can faithfully monitor my chin every morning like the pages of a good book and still manage to find the one that got away. Seriously y’all. I just looked yesterday. How can it be that long? This is one issue I would definitely place in the ungraceful category.
A new reality is that I hurt more than I used to.
Aching joints are more often than not a daily occurrence. It’s not uncommon to hear a snap, crackle, or pop upon rising from a chair. With the coldness of winter, I now have a little catch in my ‘get up and go.’
Yes, I will continue to cover my grey hair until there’s enough grey there that it is no longer an unpleasant mix of mousy colors. Just keeping it real folks.
Adult acne? Really? I think maybe I’ll have to converse with God about this subject one day. I could really do without that on my list of things to tend to. I really thought I’d already paid my dues in that regard.
With age we learn to stop stressing over the small stuff. What used to seem like a big deal, no longer is. It becomes easier to see what is really important. For example, with each family member or friend that we have to say good-bye to, we come to realize how precious time really is.
A few more things I find precious are hugs and love from the young ones in my life. Or when my daddy walks up to sit with me in the hospital waiting area while my hubby is in surgery. When my youngest tells me I am the best mom ever. And definitely the unexpected text from one of my older children when I need it most, or a “good morning, how are you” text from my momma.
Overall, I choose to think I am aging rather gracefully. Because, to think I am not….well, what good would that do for my psyche?
What stage of life are you in? Raising those precious littles? Loving on your teens? Already an empty-nester? I’d love to hear where you are and would gladly accept any words of wisdom you might like to share.