I don’t know about your kids, but my kids LOVE a good countdown. Countdown to birthdays, countdown to trips, and of course the countdown to Christmas!
With that in mind, I wanted to make something with my daughter that she could hang on her bedroom door to countdown to Christmas. So we gathered our crafting supplies and came up with this EASY Christmas Countdown Craft!
Supplies Needed:
- Cardstock
- Glue
- Marker OR Letter and Number Stickers
- Pom Poms or something to mark the days
How to put your Easy Christmas Countdown Together:
- Get green cardstock and cut a Christmas Tree shape. I printed a tree out from my printer and cut along the lines. Then glue that tree to another piece of cardstock. We choose white but you could do red to make it more vibrant. (Now as I type this I am sad we didn’t choose red for our background.)
- Next, you will need to decide if you are going to count from the bottom up or the top down. My daughter chose to count from the bottom up. Then you can add your numbers. Here is where you can make this VERY cost-effective by just using a marker and writing the numbers. Since I have terrible handwriting we decided to get “thickers” from Walmart to use. Bonus: You have now practiced numbers!!!
- We used these same stick-on letters for the Title (Bonus: You have now practiced letters!!!), Here you could even let your little decorate and draw pictures around your tree.
And that is it!!!
You now have a Christmas Countdown! We have a plethora of PomPoms in our craft supplies, so we plan to mark the day with these Neon Pom Poms. I am going to try to use this double-sided tape to stick them. If that doesn’t work we will use good old Elmer’s glue!