If you have read anything of mine in the past year you will know that I have gone back to college. I try my best to get most of my work done during the day when my kids are at school. But occasionally my work bleeds into the evenings or the weekends. During these times I have tried to find different ways to keep my kids occupied without letting them run amok around the house. I also like to find ideas that can help us beat the heat during summer but keep the kids engaged in an activity that doesn’t require me to sweat for an hour while blowing up a kiddie pool! (Moms do you feel me!)
I saw a video of a mom making this Bubble foam with her kids, so last Friday my daughter and I gathered supplies and experimented to make our own so that she could play while I finished up some reading. I will warn you once you have made your Bubble Foam you might want to have them take it outside to play, it ended up being pretty messy. But we placed an old towel under her bowl and that helped. Also because there is food coloring your towels, clothes, and hands could get color on them so make sure you are using old towels and kids are in play clothes or maybe even bathing suits.
What you need to make Bubble Foam:
- Dish Soap
- Water
- Food Coloring
- Mixer
- Bowl to pour and play (I knew I wanted to make only 3 colors because our bowl wasn’t very big if you have a small kiddie pool or a bigger bowl you could make more.)
How to make your Bubble Foam:
Step 1: In your mixing bowl put in 1/4 cup of dish soap.
Step 2: Then add 1/2 cup of water and a few drops of color.
Step 3: Mix for 3-4 minutes. You will end up with this fun and fluffy Foam!
Step 4: Pour into your bowl/container to play. Repeat as many times as you want to make different colors.
I will warn you, for some reason the different colors reacted differently #science, for example, I had to mix the red longer to get it fluffy, where the green worked almost too well! So you might have to play around with the mixture.

Once we were done my daughter sat at the table with her play dishes and some measuring cups and played “Cotton Candy” for a long while. After a while of playing, it will turn back into just a colored liquid which I just washed out of the plastic bowl and then washed the towels.
My kids are 5 and 7 and both of them had a fun time playing with this Bubble Foam, I am sure the littles would love this as sensory play (just be sure no soap goes in the mouth). If you make your own Bubble Foam tag us @coastalbendmomcollective on Social Media!