I used to love Spring Break when I was younger. It meant no school for a whole week! We could sleep in or go to the beach, do whatever our little hearts desired. Then I got older, and it meant going out to parties with my friends. Hitting up the beach and the bars.
Now I’m a mom and going back to school right now. The university I’m at canceled Spring Break for pandemic reasons, so I will be having midterms instead. Boo.
But I was thinking to myself that it doesn’t matter whether or not I got a designated week off. Sure, when I was younger, it was fun, but now, I’ve got responsibilities. I’ve got my daughter and my husband and school. I realized, though, that if I am tired or overwhelmed, I can take a break anytime.
It might take a little time to organize your schedule, but it will be worth it. Take a break for yourself. For your mental/emotional health. Give yourself the gift of a ‘Mom Break.’
The laundry and dishes will always be waiting for you, but you come first. If you are not taken care of, then what? You deserve it. Taking a little time for yourself is not selfish; it is being proactive. You want to be your best self for you and your family.

I’m not saying you have to go on a week-long vacation (although that sounds nice).
Related Reading: How to Plan a Spring Break Staycation
Here are some ideas for you:
- Staycation
- Pjs & Netflix all-day
- Spa Day
- Girls Night
- Road Trip
- Date Night (or Day Date)
- Or, if you prefer Family Vacation
Moms work hard, around the clock, 24/7. We cook and clean, and we have many jobs as Moms. Sometimes we get stressed, and I believe we deserve a ‘Mom Break’!
What will you do on your ‘Mom Break’?
Related Reading: Free Date Ideas in the Coastal Bend:: For Couples on a Budget