Wow…it’s been a doozy, amiright? It’s been one surprise after another and while we have all rallied to make the best of the situation at hand, there are so many things that are out of our control. One thing that IS in our control is our right and opportunity to vote. We are passionate about voting here at Coastal Bend Mom Collective and have written about it many times. This year we wanted to provide you with a more detailed look at our local ballot and provide you with some tools to make your voting experience as smooth as possible!
Tomorrow, October 13, 2020, is the first day of early voting in Nueces County. As my husband and I were talking about the upcoming election, we realized how many very important things are on the ballot this year – not just the Presidential election, but at the local level as well.
We realized that so many times, when we get to the voting machine, we have found that we didn’t know many of the names on the ballot.
This year we decided to change that and make an informed decision on every single item on the ballot – including the propositions and more.
Do you know what is on the ballot this year?
I wanted to give you a few tips and tricks – and links and tools – to help you navigate the 2020 ballot. Do your research and find the candidate that most closely aligns with what you want for our City, County, State, and Nation.
The League of Women Voters – Corpus Christi has a wonderful compilation of information on voting.
I was so excited to find this site and am planning to become a member ASAP. This page includes voting guides, links to your ballot, and links to the early voting and regular voting locations.
Vote411.org is an EXCELLENT resource where you can input your address and find out, specifically, what is on YOUR ballot.
We all live in different counties and precincts, so our ballots all look a little different. This resource shows you exactly what you need. Vote411 starts with the Presidential Race and then works its way through the Senate and local races – including local propositions and school board elections.
In addition to showing you the ballot, you can read about what the duties of the job are, plus find information about each candidate, including links to their personal website/social media in order to more fully make your decision.
Once you’ve chosen, you can click that person and move on to the next item on the ballot. In the end, you will have a summary of the choices that you can take with you to the polls!
There are a lot of important local races happening as well. I, personally, always forget to research the propositions! This year I am not making that mistake.
Here is a link to the City of Corpus Christi’s Proposed Projects for 2020 –
Prop A (Streets) – $61M – Find a complete list of potential street improvements on page 8 of the document.
Prop B (Parks & Recreation) – $12M Bond – Find a complete list of Park Improvements on page 6 of the document.
Prop C (Public Safety) – $2M – includes updating a Fire Station and moving and expanding the Police Academy. You can find those details on page 7 of the document.

Don’t forget to jump on your local school district’s website, as well, to find any school board elections or ISD bond proposals!
Whatever you do, friends, and however you vote – let your voice be heard!
Your vote, your stance;
Your vote, your chance.
So raise your voice,
Go make your choice –
And when you do – be sure to grab the image below and tag us #CBMCVoteLikeAMother