We are in the midst of celebrating our beloved Coastal Bend! We might be under a stay-at-home order right now, but we are all dreaming and planning of the days that we can get back out and explore! Be sure to follow along this week (and next!) as the CCMB team shares some of our favorite things in the Coastal Bend – will your fave make the list?
When I was asked to write about my family’s favorite place in the Coastal Bend I found the task more daunting than I had anticipated. As I sat and reflected on the places we spend most of our time I just couldn’t decide!
I thought about what places do we visit most often, and what places do I recommend to others most often? For me, that answer was Rockport Beach!
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Although my family and I are not what you would call “Beach Lovers” we do find ourselves at this Beach/Park often in the spring and summer.
There are several reasons we choose Rockport Beach over all others:
- It is only a 20-minute drive away from our home in Portland, whereas any beaches in Port A are more like an hour away for us with traffic and ferry rides. {This makes it less frustrating when my kids tell me they are done playing only 30 minutes after arriving. }
- It is always so clean. The many times that we have been it is always close to pristine. I never see large trash piles or worry about what my kids might find in the sand.
- They have shade huts all down the beach. Even on the busiest of days, we have been able to find a vacant shade area to sit under while the kids play. While we often bring our own tent, this makes it so much easier to make sure my very pale daughter has shade to sit under.
- There is a giant pirate ship playground for the kids to play on. Like I said we are not what you call “Beach lovers” and my children tire of the sand and water quickly. So having this large and fun play area gives them something to do other than play in the sand or water.
- Mostly families make up the people visiting the beach. There are some fishermen that launch boats in the area and some places that people will sit and fish across from the beach, but on the actual beach you will find mostly families.
- Porta-Potties available, while not the most ideal, all of the porta-potties we have visited while at the beach have not been bad at all and at least we don’t have to totally pack up to find a bathroom or trek down the beach for miles.
So if you and your family are looking for a new favorite place or you are new in town and are not sure which beach is the best for your family, let me share our favorite with you!