Looking for the best party rooms in and around Corpus Christi? We've done the research and incorporated recommendations from local moms. So, now, whether you're...
My daughter and I try to take a weekend road trip at least once a year for mom and daughter bonding. So, we're pretty...
If you take a dive into Merriam Webster you will learn that the definition of Memorial Day is as follows, "......the last Monday in May that is...
All good parents want to keep their children safe. Last May, I had a two month old and felt no different. However, I found myself...
Don’t you just love summer? I know my family does! One of my favorite things about summer are its flavors: fresh tomatoes, watermelon, abundance...
Recently a dear friend asked me, “So, how’s it going with three little boys?” I said to her, “For the first time in my...
When my husband and I relocated to Corpus Christi in August of 2015 the first place we visited was Padre Island National Seashore. I...
To my dearest firstborn,
I thank God for you each and every day. You are one of, if not THE top blessing that has given...
5:15 a.m. : How is it already 5:15 a.m.? That 2:00 a.m. feeding is brutal; I can’t wait for this kid to start sleeping through...
I have never been great at picking out Father’s Day gifts. I have fabulous birthday present giving skills (at least I did before I...