
Stacie is addicted to many things… deep dark chocolate, herbal tea, freezing time with the click of the camera, and snuggling up with a child on her lap and a good story. Mostly, though, she is addicted to journaling. Putting down thoughtful words with beautiful pictures makes her chaotic world make sense. Stacie spends her days keeping house for her hardworking husband and homeschooling their four eager little learners, ages 3 to 9. She spends her nights dreaming of ways to make her home a refuge of well-intentioned thoughts and actions.

The Parenting Decision I Never Question: Choosing to Homeschool

There are many things I do as a parent that I question. What happens if I don’t feed my kids organic foods?  How do I...

Are All Your Eggs in One Basket? Find Balance in Motherhood

I still remember the first time I heard the phrase “Don’t put your eggs all in one basket.” I was about four years old...

Why I Can: Preserving More than Food

Every year, the conversation is the same.  My husband insists that I am wasting my time canning. I'm talking about good, old-fashioned canning.  You...

It’s the Month of Love! Learn to Speak Your Child’s Love Language

I love February with its designated day for love.  Really, a holiday for love?  Oh yes, please. I’m not the commercial sort that loves to...
Journaling- Remembering the Details that Make Life Memorable- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Journaling: Remembering the Details that Make Life so… Memorable

Sometimes I wonder. One day, when I’m old and gray, will I remember all the little details of raising my children?  Will I remember...

Baby it’s Cold Outside… What’s a South Texas Mom to Do?

Did you see the weather forecast?  Yikes!  The highs are so low for what is usually a balmy South Texas!  Baby, it's going to...
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Using Those Wheels: Bike Trails of South Texas

Chances are pretty good that one of your kids has some new wheels… a bike, a scooter, rollerblades.  In a city of sunny days...

Rediscovering the Joy of Motherhood: Gratitude

The joys of motherhood often get lost in the daily drudgery of this little journey we call life.  It's hard to show gratitude when...

Learning to Count: Gift Giving This Holiday Season

I used to feel joyful and jubilant as the holidays approached, but a time came in my mothering years when the holidays approached and...

Over the River and Through the Woods {South Texas Autumn… Camping Style}

The traditional Thanksgiving song Over the River and Through the Woods brings pictures to mind of children bundled up in sweaters, yellow and red...