The Parenting Decision I Never Question: Choosing to Homeschool
There are many things I do as a parent that I question.
What happens if I don’t feed my kids organic foods? How do I...
Are All Your Eggs in One Basket? Find Balance in Motherhood
I still remember the first time I heard the phrase “Don’t put your eggs all in one basket.” I was about four years old...
Why I Can: Preserving More than Food
Every year, the conversation is the same. My husband insists that I am wasting my time canning. I'm talking about good, old-fashioned canning. You...
It’s the Month of Love! Learn to Speak Your Child’s Love Language
I love February with its designated day for love. Really, a holiday for love? Oh yes, please.
I’m not the commercial sort that loves to...
Journaling: Remembering the Details that Make Life so… Memorable
Sometimes I wonder. One day, when I’m old and gray, will I remember all the little details of raising my children? Will I remember...
Baby it’s Cold Outside… What’s a South Texas Mom to Do?
Did you see the weather forecast? Yikes! The highs are so low for what is usually a balmy South Texas! Baby, it's going to...
Using Those Wheels: Bike Trails of South Texas
Chances are pretty good that one of your kids has some new wheels… a bike, a scooter, rollerblades. In a city of sunny days...
Rediscovering the Joy of Motherhood: Gratitude
The joys of motherhood often get lost in the daily drudgery of this little journey we call life. It's hard to show gratitude when...
Learning to Count: Gift Giving This Holiday Season
I used to feel joyful and jubilant as the holidays approached, but a time came in my mothering years when the holidays approached and...
Over the River and Through the Woods {South Texas Autumn… Camping Style}
The traditional Thanksgiving song Over the River and Through the Woods brings pictures to mind of children bundled up in sweaters, yellow and red...