Beat the Heat Without Your Wallet Taking the Hit
Summer in South Texas is fast approaching with blazing rays of sunlight, sticky fingers and the high-pitched squeals of children at play. While the...
Forty Years of Fun! Do you remember??
Moms… I am turning 40 this year. 40, the BIG 4-0, FORTY!!! October is going to be a big month!!!
I love this stage of...
Downs Syndrome Awareness Day – Meet Joshua
“My name is Joshua Holland and I am 25 years old. I LOVE movies and music of any kind and the more I can...
MOMS… Support Your Sisters!
I recently attended a Book Convention in Colorado.
It was eye opening for a multitude of reasons.
Not only did I get to meet...
“You’re Going To Miss It When She Stops Asking”
I am a light sleeper, always have been, but since becoming a mother it’s gotten worse. I can’t stand the light coming from my...
A Quick Guide to Helping your Kiddo Adjust to Having Braces
Getting braces is a sort of milestone for many teenagers, and it’s that final step towards a beautiful smile.
Braces; however, are not as easy to...
DIY: Creating an amazing Storybook Pumpkin!
If your child goes to school, chances are during Fall you have seen the flyers coming home for a Story Book Pumpkin Parade. This Fall...
7 Things I Want My Teen To Know About Navigating High School
My 20th High School Reunion is fast approaching, and I have been reminiscing and remembering those days so long ago that were so much...
Children Benefit From Doing Chores
I know lots of busy parents who constantly echo the same response when asked how they are doing. "BUSY" they always say.
I can sincerely...
Moms, Tell Guilt and Pressure to Take a Hike!
It often seems, we live in a world that tells women to be either successful career women or blissful stay-at-home moms who have Pinterest...