
Melanie is a working wife and mother of a high school freshman and second grader as well as their beloved 12 year old Doug the Pug! She met her amazing husband through mutual friends and with a lot of love and laughs, they are celebrating 10 awesome years together. She has worked in the Human Resources field for over 15 years and currently spends her days working for the Corpus Christi Independent School District. She loves to travel, and is a voracious reader who can always be found with a book or five to recommend, and it is her dream one day to publish a work of her own. Melanie also loves holiday décor. Whether it be Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, she loves decking the halls of her home in fun festivity and celebrating with her family. She is so excited to have joined the CCMB team and can’t wait to share her experiences with the group.
Beat the Heat without Spending a Fortune

Beat the Heat Without Your Wallet Taking the Hit

Summer in South Texas is fast approaching with blazing rays of sunlight, sticky fingers and the high-pitched squeals of children at play. While the...
Throwback Thursday - Forty Years of Fun

Forty Years of Fun! Do you remember??

Moms… I am turning 40 this year. 40, the BIG 4-0, FORTY!!! October is going to be a big month!!!  I love this stage of...

Downs Syndrome Awareness Day – Meet Joshua

“My name is Joshua Holland and I am 25 years old. I LOVE movies and music of any kind and the more I can...
Support Your Sisters

MOMS… Support Your Sisters!

I recently attended a Book Convention in Colorado. It was eye opening for a multitude of reasons. Not only did I get to meet...

“You’re Going To Miss It When She Stops Asking”

I am a light sleeper, always have been, but since becoming a mother it’s gotten worse. I can’t stand the light coming from my...

A Quick Guide to Helping your Kiddo Adjust to Having Braces

Getting braces is a sort of milestone for many teenagers, and it’s that final step towards a beautiful smile. Braces; however, are not as easy to...

DIY: Creating an amazing Storybook Pumpkin!

If your child goes to school, chances are during Fall you have seen the flyers coming home for a Story Book Pumpkin Parade. This Fall...

7 Things I Want My Teen To Know About Navigating High School

My 20th High School Reunion is fast approaching, and I have been reminiscing and remembering those days so long ago that were so much...

Children Benefit From Doing Chores

I know lots of busy parents who constantly echo the same response when asked how they are doing. "BUSY" they always say. I can sincerely...

Moms, Tell Guilt and Pressure to Take a Hike!

It often seems, we live in a world that tells women to be either successful career women or blissful stay-at-home moms who have Pinterest...