Marissa Ackerman
Corpus Food Adventures and Our Mission to Help End Hunger
I have the pleasure of working with a variety of different restaurants and food establishments in my day job and I love it.
Finding Your Tribe at the Right Season of Life
Friends Tiffany and Liz 2015
I am thirty-one years old, but sometimes I forget that fact until I stare into my reflection in the mirror...
Being a mom can be so, so hard. MICROBLOG
Today as my son and I were leaving the MDO we saw a girl from his class. The mom told me she always knows...
4 Lessons I’ve learned that I’ll carry into 2020
As we enter into a new year and new DECADE, I am excited to see what it brings, but I am also saddened to...
Advice for Keeping up with your Energetic Toddler
Awhile back I was trying to come up with some posts to write for the blog when I decided to do what any good...
When your Boss makes you feel like a #BossMom
This week I came back from my work’s quarterly meeting at the headquarters in Austin. Per usual, it was a great time. Connecting with...
Remembering the True Meaning of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving as a young child can seem like any other day, except with more delicious meals and desserts (cue the yummm! sound).
That is what...
Being a Mom with Anxiety Sucks
As far back as I can remember I have always been an anxious person. They called it a “nervous” stomach when I was in...
Why Dia de Los Muertos is My New Favorite Holiday
It comes around every year — Dia de Los Muertos. Settled right after Halloween and before Thanksgiving, Dia de Los Muertos is a meaningful...
Toddler Worries: Dealing with Developmental Delays
My son is about to turn two years old. The thought of that literally brings tears to my eyes as he is my only...