Technology Watch: 5 Cool Learning Apps for Kids!
iPads. Tablets. Macbooks. Laptops. Nabi, etc.
Technology definitely plays an important role in our day to day activities, especially since we are a homeschooling family....
The Spirit of Our Children
When I entered the world of motherhood 8 years ago, it was to two. Twins. People often approached my husband, Robert and I to ask if...
Homeschooling: Myths Debunked!
We are a homeschooling family.
Homeschooling has been a controversial topic and one that sparks much curiosity since the 1970s. John Holt, both a theorist...
Raising Children with Servant’s Hearts
Last week, while making breakfast for my three young ones and their two friends who had slept over, I was reminded how beautiful it...
I’ll Wait for You {Tales from a Preemie Mom}
There's something I think every good mom knows.
That moment, in a busy crowd or in an open field, when your children stop where they...
Guilty Pleasures: Top 10 Must Watch TV Shows (IMO)
Let's face it. Watching television for most parents is a luxury at best, definitely a guilty pleasure when we're able to sit down and...
A Lesson in Kindness
Three things before I tell the story of this picture.
First, Riley is 7 and is not allowed in the front seat, but you'll understand...
Fowl Play: Raising Children and Chickens!
We are what you would call, "animal people." Rather, the kids and I are. My husband is guilty by association.
Our friends and family sometimes...
To My Child: The One I am Hardest On
I am "Mommy" to three amazing little people. Reese and Riley are 7 year old twins. River is 4. Reese is my science guy. His...
Great River Road {A Birth Story}
It was June of 2012. Hot. The weather in South Texas rarely changes. Windy, sunny, rains occasionally. One thing you can almost depend on...