Jessica Davila

Jessica Davila
Jessica has lived in Corpus Christi almost all her life and loves it. Together with her husband Roy they are raising their beautiful , almost 6 year old daughter, Angelina. Being a stay at home mom has taught her a lot and she treasures each moment of motherhood. Jessica is quiet in person, but give her a pen and paper and she will write a novel. She loves reading, writing, watching movies and listening to music. She is a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan and loves anything chocolate. She is very excited to begin her blogging adventure, and getting to know the CCMB community of mommas.
Surviving Summer __ Featured Image __ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

How This Momma Is Surviving Summer: What you can do.

Every family comes in different sizes. I married into a large family (not exaggerating when I say large). Currently we live with my sister...
Summer Movie Madness _ Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Summer Movie Madness : What are you watching?

Who loves movies? I LOVE movies. My family and I enjoy watching movies at home or in the theater. And this summer has been no...