
Allison married her husband, Aaron, 6 years ago. She is a stay at home mom to two minions... or, children. Chevy {4} and Avaleigh {2}. The family is just started their homeschooling adventure. They love to learn everyday! Allison enjoys time with her husband and kids. She prefers to do things as a family, and this leads to not so much Mommy Time. It isn't always easy, but everything is a learning opportunity that they can't miss out on! Allison has breastfed for 4 years straight between her two littles, co-sleeps, and has even cloth diapered part time. Her favorite stress reliever is being on the beach surf fishing with her family. Some of her favorites are: Jesus, reading, video games, watching Netflix (oh yes, cartoons on repeat also!), surf fishing, working on cars with her husband, DIY projects, and watching her kiddos learn new stuff for the first time. Some Not-So-Favorites: Cooking, Cleaning, and the housewife part of being a SAHM... Haha...

Boys vs. Girls and the Huge Differences Between Them

Boys vs. Girls... One of the biggest rivalries of all time! When we first had our son we were all about boys and how great...
breastfeeding- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Extended Breastfeeding and Body Issues

From the moment I found out about my first pregnancy, I could not wait to breastfeed my baby. I told my husband even before...
Pooping on the Pot or Not- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Pooping on the Pot… or NOT!

The potty. The potty. The potty. Right now this mom of a four year old boy... HATES the potty.  As someone who went to college...
Love Where You Live: San Patricio County- Our Home- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Love Where You Live: San Patricio County

At the beginning of my marriage my husband and I lived in a two-story, efficiency apartment. It had a bedroom and bath upstairs and...

Preemie Surprise: The Story of My 4lb. 7oz. Baby Boy

My son was born at exactly 36 weeks. He came into this world an entire month early, by surprise... On August 13, 2012 I was...

How to Make Spooky Easy Spider Web Eggs

When Halloween comes around, my family enjoys all the festivities that come along with the holiday itself. Dressing up, trick-or-treating, pumpkin patches, and even...