I knew this day was coming ever since my husband’s coworker told our daughter that Santa wasn’t real. It made me angry. We were hoping she would enjoy the innocence of youth a while longer. It broke my heart a bit.
See, I love Christmas. Christmas is the one time of year you can feel the magic in the air. It is more than the beginning of the Greatest Story Ever Told. This is the time where miracles happen daily and love can spark a light in the world.
Santa is a reminder of the giving, or the gift given to us. Christmas is a time where you don’t have to feel bad about your faith. You are able to talk about Jesus at Christmas. The name of Christ can be spoken freely, which is a beautiful thing. See, Christmas is a time where you can almost feel Him. Where no matter your faith or beliefs, there is a godly spirit in the air. You can feel it.
So, how do you tell your daughter the truth about Santa? She’s aware that mom and dad buy the gifts and stuff the stockings. Where do you start? What do you say?
Well, this is how I approached the topic of Santa. I told her what I feel about Christmas and what it meant to me.
Love is what Christmas means.
Santa teaches us that we can show love all the time. It’s important to love, but its important to remember why we love. We love because He first loved us. Santa can teach us a lot. We learn to give more than we take. The spirit of giving is what Christmas should be about. Its not about what YOU get under the Christmas tree, its about how much of our hearts we give to those around us. Our time, and pieces of ourselves should be given more than material things. Homemade is the best made.
The most important lesson to learn at Christmas is: Remember the ones the world loves to forget. Help the families who are struggling, and show them the magic of Christmas.
Guess what! Santa is real. WE can BE Santa. See, Santa is in all of us. Christmas time is the perfect time to start showing it.