My LAST baby just graduated Kindergarten!

It hit me today that I will NEVER have a Kindergartener again in our house. She knows her ABCs now, she can count like a pro all the way to 120. She is starting to read independently. She is WINNING multiple Science Fairs like she has been doing this school stuff for years!
Just like that in the blink of an eye, my baby girl is a baby no more!
People warned me that the days were long and the years were short, I thought it was just something that people said. When you are in the trenches it can be hard to imagine anything feeling like it is going by fast.
But when you hit a milestone like this you realize how true that statement really is!
I have found that when we hit these milestones with my daughter in particular they hit me even harder because she is our youngest, the last baby, and it means that we are closing those chapters completely.
So to the mom rocking her baby in the middle of the night, I will be the cliche veteran mom telling you to hold them a little tighter because “the days are long but the years are short.” And know that all of the moms of bigger kids in Coastal Bend Mom Collective are ready and willing to hold those babies for you to get a break anytime!
To the mom of toddlers that doesn’t feel like she will ever get to rest or even breath again, know that you are not alone! It can be SO hard and you won’t miss the exhaustion or the hard days. I have made it to the other side and I finally see what all the other moms were talking about, watching your last baby graduate Kinder is like your reward for surviving toddlers!
To all the moms of big kids, thank you! Thank you for your support all these years. Thank you for your advice and encouragement. Thank you for reminding me that the seasons change and eventually I would get to sleep again! I feel like I am just at the start of this new season of doing life with big kids and I am so excited and nervous for what is in store for us in the years to come!
I am so grateful for this platform and space to work out all the feelings I have about my little girl not being so little anymore. I hope that I can come back to this when this same little one is graduating High School, or College and add to the thoughts and feelings!