4 Tips to Breastfeeding Success!


I’ve been a breastfeeding mom for 26 of the last 34 months. I was able to nurse my son until he was a few days shy of 19 months old, and I am currently going on 8 months of nursing my baby girl. This in no way makes me an expert, but I sure have learned a few things and would love to share some tips with you! 

Breastfeeding Mama1.       Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s… or even one of your own. 

The comparison game is never any fun, so steer clear as much as possible. Everyone is different, and not just physically. If someone used something that helped them but it doesn’t help you, don’t dwell on that. If something didn’t work for someone, that doesn’t mean it won’t work for you so give it a try if you want. Do things that you feel comfortable with. Stay away from things that you don’t have good feelings about. Maybe you nursed your first baby with zero problems and now you are on baby #2 or #3 and what you did with #1 just isn’t working. Guess what? That is OK! Each nursing journey is different. 

2.       Don’t spend money on supplements and other things claiming to help. 

Before you run out to the store or start shopping online for supplements, cookies, shakes, teas, and more to help your supply try some simple changes. Hydrate as much as possible and try changing up your diet. Coconut water is great to stock up on to help hydrate more. Oatmeal for breakfast every day has also helped me in the past. Avoiding things like extra caffeine, peppermint, dairy, etc has also been known to help some women.

The best things to do, which can sometimes be the hardest things to do, are to stress less and keep the baby on you as much as possible. I know it sounds impossible, but with my second baby I went through a stressful Easter and couldn’t even pump but 1oz at a time afterwards. I was really worried and thought that her nursing days would end fast. It was difficult, but when I just surrendered the stress and didn’t worry about it…my supply came back up! That being said, try to relax – go for a walk, book a massage, lay in bed with the baby at your breast and just rest. 

PS – Beer also helps, so grab some suds and chill out for a bit while you cuddle your little one. 

Breastfeeding Mama 33.       If you are going to make changes, don’t do it all at once. 

Don’t go crazy trying all the things at once. Take it one step at a time. Start with hydrating, trying to stress less, and being in close contact with your baby more often. Don’t give up on what you are trying right away. Your body needs time to adjust, so take it a week or so at a time. Without making it stressful, try to track what you are doing and what changes you see so that you can tweak as needed as you move forward. 

Breastfeeding Mama 24.    Get a support system. 

Whether it is a professional, friends, family, or someone you follow online – make sure you have someone to talk to about the struggles of breastfeeding. Know that you are never alone in this journey. Those who have gone before you through both the joys and pains of nursing would love to talk to you and help another mama out. 

Looking for more resources? Be sure to check out our New & Expecting Parents Guide!

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