Mom’s deserve a few indulgences every now and then, don’t you think? I love being a mom. But, sometimes as mothers, we give up simple everyday indulgences. To others, they may seem like little, trivial things. However, to moms, they are everything but trivial!
Here are a few indulgences I sometimes crave:
- Sleeping in past 6:30 a.m. Mom’s of infants and toddlers, you know what I am talking about.
- Watching an adult movie. Clarification: By adult movie, I mean non-Disney… or anything animated. Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney! I like a lot of kid movies. BUT, sometimes a break from everything animated is needed every once in awhile.
- A real date with my husband. This means both of us get dressed up, and we actually leave the house.
- Reading a book of my choice with no interruptions. I admit I have an addiction to buying (and reading) children’s books. I love snuggling and reading with my children. But, there was once a time when board books and picture books were not spilling off every bookshelf in the house. Yes, I used to read literally all day. I could finish a nice, long chapter book in a day or two. This just doesn’t happen when you have kids to tend to, though.
- Conversations with other adults. (Again, no interruptions.) It’s nice to talk to another adult without having to settle an argument, lecture, or simply, talk “baby-talk.”
- A 20-minute shower…Not rushed. It seems like everyday I have to try and beat the baby’s internal (sleeping) clock. Either that, or having a kid popping their head into the restroom to tell me something.
- Restroom Breaks… again, alone. A simple, nearly-forgotten pleasure.
- Listening to a radio station, CD, or any type of music of my choice. Bye-bye Disney music, Kids Place Live, and Kidz Bop.
- A real, adult meal. I love to eat salmon. Oh, and add a side of veggies like long green beans or asparagus. Brown rice. Seasoning. I want it all. But, my kids groan, poke at their dinner, and whine, “Why can’t we have chicken nuggets?” Bleh! I want to sit, and enjoy a delicious meal with real ingredients.
- Sweets… and, not having to share my dessert. You saw my Instagram picture during “Take over Tuesday” where my husband and I indulged in ice cream after the kids were tucked into bed. It’s really just the best time for us to relax and enjoy our dessert without the kids pleading, “Can we have more after this?”
- Manicure or pedicure. Really, I will take any kind of pampering…even a trip to the salon for a hair cut is an indulgence!
- Spending money on myself. If it weren’t for my husband’s constant insistence to buy something for myself, I hardly would ever do so. Gone are the days of shopping for yourself. Someone always needs new shoes, a new backpack, etc. And, when I am out shopping for myself, guess what I come home with? More stuff for the kids- a new shirt for my daughter, swim shorts for my sons. You get the point.
- Grocery shopping alone. This means no chasing after kids at the store. I don’t have to say, “Put that back,” and “No, not this time” every two minutes. Oh, and let’s not forget the constant potty breaks in the middle of your shopping trip.
- Computer time, Pinterest time, Facebook time. Alone. If I want to have any electronic time, I must know that there will be at least one kid reading over my shoulder.
- Girls Night. Need I say more?
- Sewing and crafting. Sewing with a toddler at your feet is not easy. Nor, is using a hot glue gun with kids running through the house.
- Baking alone. Baking with my kids really is a special time, and I love the memories (and desserts) we create each time we bake together. BUT… I also like baking by myself. Sometimes, it is just nice not to listen to kids argue about whose turn it is to pour, measure, and mix. And, then there’s… the mess… the spills… the aftermath, if you will.
- Taking a nap during the day. I have to laugh out loud at this one. When was the last time this happened?
- A quick trip to a store. Seems easy enough. But, not when you have to unload all four kids, mess with car seats, strollers, etc. just to buy one thing. Also, a shopping trip sans kids means no kids who are complaining bored, tired, or hungry trailing behind.
- A weekend getaway with the hubby. We took a “baby moon” when I was pregnant with #3. The two older kids stayed the weekend with my parents. We relaxed at a really nice resort. Did you know that there are adult pools? We actually were “allowed” into the adult pool because we had no kids with us that weekend! Let’s just say, we are overdue for a trip catered just to us!!
Oh, how my indulgences as a mom differ from the indulgences I enjoyed as a kid or teenager! It’s always those little things.
Girl…. i can relate to 100% of these. 100%
Haha! Yeah, the mom life!
Janell, it’s eerie how well you know my life 😉 Oh how I’d love to go to the bathroom without someone tagging along with me! And an uninterrupted conversation? What is that??!!
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