The School Pick Up Line Blues
A Short Poem
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Oh elementary school pick-up line, how I loathe you.
You’re basically a slow-moving, chaotic zoo.
Moms start lining up an HOUR before school is out.
What in the world is that all about??
There are always parents trying to cut,
and that makes me want to kick their butt!
It takes almost a full hour out of my day.
Does it really HAVE to be this way?
I don’t feel safe with my baby on a bus.
That’s why I’m subjecting myself to all this fuss.
Baby sister always complains because it takes forever,
so I usually bring snacks trying to be clever.
But then I end up eating goldfish too.
Well, there goes my diet but what’s a mom to do?
I know the school always tries their best,
but their speed just doesn’t pass the test.
By 3pm I’m always excited to see my son,
but the school pick-up line is absolutely no fun…
Anyone else feel my pain??