Every year in October, my mom, my daughter and I go to a pumpkin patch.
We pick one around town – usually the one over at Asbury church.
We spend time together, looking at the pumpkins, enjoying the festivities, and taking pictures to remember the day.
Autumn is my favorite time of year and I wanted a way to remember these special moments with my daughter. So, I decided: why not enjoy a local pumpkin patch? Now that my daughter is 6, she loves going to play on opening day in the children’s area and picking out a pumpkin to take home.
Out of all the times I have been to the pumpkin patch, I think of them collectively as my favorite Fall memory.
Each time is special and will be treasured forever.

There are a variety of pumpkin patches to choose from around town I think this year is a good year for me to try out some new ones. I will be able to look back and show my daughter these precious memories with her grandmother and me.
A poem I wrote in honor of Fall memories….
Fall Changes
The winds of change,
they blow in with Autumn rains.
Red, orange, yellow, and brown,
the leaves begin to fall to the ground.
Trees become bare,
transforming the season.
What once was young,
now matured.
A new born babe,
face full of wonder,
ages through the years.
Crisp air wisping through her hair.
Fall changes,
A little girl now,
curious and free,
Rows of plump pumpkins in front of you,
memories to hold on to.
The seasons may come and go,
the leaves will grow back,
yet you evolve to a young girl.
Autumn rolls in and you,
you will always be my baby girl.
What places hold special Fall memories for you and your family?