It is truly something to leave your child to face the new and unknown by himself. The first day of school. I don’t think it gets much easier with the passing of time.
I cried walking out of the school after leaving my first grader, though we’ve already faced the first day of Kindergarten and pre-school years. And then I cried some more after dropping off my other son, now in Pre-K. And I’ve recently read some posts of friends leaving their babies at college. Gracious. Though it seems those days are forever away for my children, they will be tough, for sure.
Each new year, each first day holds such special promise. As a mom, I know that these promises may be fulfilled, but the days ahead may also be met with challenges. And I get to witness the angst, the shy excitement, the hope, and the trust in my sons’ eyes. It is truly something.
Every morning in the car we recite a familiar morning prayer, and as I give each boy a hug, I tell him:
“You are kind. You are brave. You are strong and gracious.”
This week, as we returned back to school, the boys said the phrases with me. My heart did a little dance, as I, too, held on to hope. Hope that these words will resonate throughout their days. Hope that these words will help them hold their heads high. Hope that these words will encourage them to be a friend to every child.
When I was a little girl, I was quiet and timid. I see the same traits in my oldest son. My younger son, however, has the world at his fingertips with enough joy to fill his new classroom and beyond. I have always been amazed at such differences between siblings.
Now, as a mom, I know that these differences inspire different ways of parenting, different ways of discipline, different ways of comfort, and different specific prayers. But for each, with steadfast love, I hope for happiness, for safety, for them to be loved and to love big. It takes a village, you know. And it’s truly something to embrace that village and offer our own trust.