I am a mommy of three, ages 11 months, 5, and 7 years old. And the top question I am asked by our friends is “how do you get your kids to EAT THAT?”
Let me start out by saying that all kids go through eating phases. Sometimes they are picky, sometimes they eat anything, sometimes they eat a lot more, and sometimes they pick at food throughout the day. So keep that in mind with your children.
But I do have some tips for encouraging kids to eat.
Tip #1: Expose them to New Foods

Exposing your kids to new foods sounds like a no brainer tip right? Well, often times we get so caught up in the rush of the day that we make and remake easy and fast foods like peanut butter and jelly cereal. However, I have taken the Pinterest route! It is such a lifesaver on days where I am so burnt out and almost feel brain dead, needing a fast and new meal for the kids. It is so refreshing to see how many fast meals there are to make. You can follow my personal Pinterest recipe board here Mommy and Marley’s Adventure in Food and also Corpus Christi Moms Blog Pinterest boards here CCMB Pinterest.
Tip #2: Be the Example
Exposing your kids to new food goes hand in hand with being the example. I have noticed that my kids will try new foods when they see me eating them. They love sushi, mussels, fish, burgers, jicima, brussel sprouts, hummus, and so much more. So remember to be the example and give them the food options. This truly is the only way they will become food explorers… by watching you!
Tip #3: No other option
We have all had that moment where the kids do not want to eat the dinner you made. My solution is the “no other option” route. “You eat what mommy makes.” Either my kids eat what I made or they wait to eat at the next meal. This may seem harsh but my kids will eat instead of missing a meal regardless of if they want to or not. I do not cater to their food wants, needs, or tantrums. #momwin
Tip #4: The one bite rule
Even as adults, food can look yucky and turn us off. This is where the one bite rule comes into play. My kids need to try at least one bite before they decide if they like it or not. I would say 80% of the time they love the food even though it looks unappealing. Try to avoid the “Honey, I know it looks yucky” or the “EEEEWWW, I wouldn’t try that either.” It will only aid in them not wanting to try it. I simply say, “You know the rule. ONE BITE. Then decide.”
I hope this helps you win the food battle with your babes. It has greatly helped me to the point where my 7 year old wants to open a food truck when he is older. His food list may need revision as his menu thus far contians :BRATS, WAFFLES, SUSHI, and Tacos , but hey, I’m down for trying it! Are you?
(Disclaimer: We are not a food sensitive family but if yours is, you can still apply the above within your dietary needs!)