Happy Veterans Day from all of us here at Coastal Bend Mom Collective.
Veteran’s Day formerly known as “Armistice Day” originated on November 11, 1919, as an observance of the first anniversary of World War I. In 1938 November 11th became a day where we annually pay tribute to all those who have served in the military.
Serving in the military is not only an act of true bravery but is also more often than not a thankless job.
Those who choose to serve do so not because they are asked but because they feel a sense of duty to serve their country in both war and peacetime. In my opinion, it is fitting that we celebrate our Veteran during the month of November which is typically a month we all try to actively be thankful for even the smallest of things in our lives. In ten days when we are gathered with our families around a turkey dinner recounting the things, we are thankful for I ask that we all make a conscious effort to be thankful for those who in the past and present serve our country.
Because we often take our freedoms for granted it is hard to realize just how many veterans are living amongst us, according to “Veterans Day Facts” written by History.com editors, there are 16.1 million living veterans who have served in at least one war, 5.2 million veterans who have served during peacetime and 7 million women veterans. With that many living veterans not to mention those who are deceased it’s easy to imagine that most of us can boast that someone in our family tree has served their country.
That is very true for my family, I’d like to take today and always to let those in my family and in yours know how very thankful I am that they answered the call to serve. Below are just a few of those that I am proud to have in my family!

My own father, Tom Roddy who served in the U.S Navy 1974-1979 and has since had a long law enforcement career. I want him to know most that I am so proud of his service to our country and our community.