Every generation has “that day”.
That day that changes them.
That day that they will remember forever.
September 11th is ours.
A day that has been marked with tragedy and loss.
Every year since that devastating day in 2001, we take time to remember the day that changed us:
We post about where we were and can recall vivid details of how we watched as our Nation was attacked. Some of us were in High School or College and just trying to learn how to navigate the world…and then it all changed.
The world instantly seemed more dangerous and scary.
We watched as first responders gave their lives, we watched as people came together in a way that most of us had never witnessed.
That day our differences didn’t matter anymore.
At that moment no one cared who was in what political party, the color of their skin or where they came from, we all were hurting and scared and we came together.
We laid our heads down on September 11th and woke up on September 12th a unified Nation. The rubble was still smoldering, people were still missing and first responders were still giving their lives. But we awoke on that day with a surge of patriotism. We held hands with our neighbors and prayed for those families that had just lost a loved one. You couldn’t go anywhere without seeing an American flag PROUDLY displayed.
The people in New York lined the streets with signs thanking the first responders, they brought them food and water. Vigils were held all over the nation. Men and women signed up to serve in the military knowing they would inevitably be entering into conflict shortly after.
I believe in the words “Never Forget”.
We should always remember September 11th, but let us also remember September 12th and the days that followed: The feeling of patriotism that we felt, the feeling of being unified as a nation. No matter where we are in life, we are all just trying to do our best.
So let us remember September 11th, but LIVE like September 12th.
We Will Never Forget.
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