Adults today don’t believe in Santa anymore. They’ve lost the magic that we felt as kids growing up. You turn on the news and all around the world we see news stories of the world gone crazy. I wish I could shield my daughter from it all. It doesn’t matter what exactly whether it’s natural disaster or something closer to home. I want my daughter to keep her happiness as long as possible, because one day she will see the bad things or even have something happen to her. It will break my heart, so I pray and hope she remains her sweet, innocent self for a long time. I want her to keep that holiday magic with her always.

Here is what I want to tell her…
To my little Angel,
You are a bright light shining in this dark world. Full of goodness, and kindness, you believe in magic. You believe in Santa, The Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. You know nothing of evil, the hardness of life, how badly people can hurt you and break you. One day I won’t be able to shield you from these things.
You are pure innocence, you give love freely and with your whole heart. You feel empathy and cry when others are in pain. Your curious mind asks so many questions and I love trying to answer them all.
My sweet angel. I wish for you to always be excited for the little things. Love your friends like family and be there for family when life gets hard. Keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart year-round. I love seeing you excited to open your presents on Christmas morning. Seeing the wonder on your face when you saw snow for the first time. The anticipation you get after you write a letter to Santa makes me smile. You know that Christmas is not only about presents but about celebrating Jesus.
You have faith in a higher power. You talk to your loved ones that watch over you in heaven and you talk to God. I want you to keep all these amazing things in your heart as you grow older.
May you never stop believing.
Never stop loving,
Never stop.
Always keep the magic in your heart.
My beautiful Angelina.
Love, Mommy.