New year, same Hot Mess!
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Let’s be honest, we have all uttered the phrase “New Year, New Me “ at least once right! Even if it is just to the reflection in the mirror.
Every year I seem to be craving some sort of drastic change and I’m vowing THIS is going to be the year!
This is going to be the year we become savers instead of spenders!
This is the year the weight will stay off!
This is the year I will complete all of those projects I have shoved in my closet!
This will be the year my pantry stays perfectly organized!
Then slowly month by month you realize maybe this isn’t the year.
This year I’m embracing the Hot Mess that is life with smaller children.
Don’t get me wrong, I still have goals and things I’m shooting for. But this time I am going to set smaller more realistic expectations for myself in the new year.
Some of those expectations are:
This year I vow to be kinder to myself and others.
This year I vow to schedule less and allow time for us to make memories.
This year I vow to break bread more often with those I care about.
This year I vow to set small health goals for myself and allow for life to delay. That doesn’t mean I need to abandon all hope.
This year I vow to unapologetically put my family, my kids and myself above all else.
This year I vow to strive for peace and contentment over success and more stuff.
Maybe I have approached the New Year “resolutions” wrong all along, maybe instead by seeking contentment and embracing the Hot Mess in my own life, the changes I have sought will come in their own time!
Life will never not be messy, maybe this year I’ve finally learned to embrace the mess and find beauty in it.