When I started homeschooling, I was full of questions and short on answers. We initially started to homeschool because the state of the world was so uncertain. Now, after a year, we are in love.
Over the past year I have heard (and read) TONS of questions about homeschooling. I’m going to do my best to answer them – and will link additional resources at the bottom of this FAQ.
Q-How do I withdraw my child from public school?
A- There are two ways: (1)You can go up to the school and sign the withdrawal papers. They may or may not ask for you to sign other paperwork. It’s up to you to sign. If they ask for the name of your homeschool just make one up. (2) Send an email with the sample withdrawal letter stating that you are going to homeschool. Make sure you get a response so they don’t count your child absent. It’s that easy!
Q-Which curriculum do I use?
A- That is up to you and your child. Figure out your child’s learning style. What may work for someone else may not work for you. Research. Look up Cathy Duffy learning style quiz. It’ll give you examples of curriculum that may be right for your child. Research that curriculum. It also depends on how involved you, the parent want to be. There are teacher intensive and student led curriculum. Do you want secular or non-secular? Again research. Google will become your best friend.
Q-Do I have to buy a boxed curriculum or can I just piece my own things together?
A-Again, that is up to you. When you buy boxed you are stuck with what they choose. You may like one subject but hate what they chose for another. My style is eclectic. Meaning I pick and choose from different curriculums.
Q-Do I have to buy brand new?
A-No! In fact, I advise that you buy used. That way if it’s not working you didn’t spend a lot on it. In the beginning you might switch a lot. I switched history 2 times, science 3 times, and math 3 times until I found the right curriculum for my children’s learning style.
Q-Is there a homeschool support group in my area?
A-Just use the search button on FB. There are several in the Coastal Bend – just join and start asking questions. Most homeschooling mamas are HAPPY to share what they’ve learned.

Q-What about socialization?
A-What about it? Join other homeschoolers on field trips and play dates. Join us in Homeschool By The Sea for play dates and field trips
Q-Do I have to school all day?
A-NO! That’s why we homeschool because we don’t want to copy public school! There’s a guide on google and Pinterest that gives you an idea of how long your child (depending on grade) should school a day. But you as the parent have the say so. I don’t school longer than 3-4 hours a day.
Q-Do I need to set up a “school room” at home?
A-No! We do school cuddled on the couch, sprawled out on the floor, in the kitchen, and even outside! You don’t have to be confined.

Q-Do I need to keep records or report to anyone?
A-In Texas Homeschool is considered a private school. You do not need to report to anyone. If your child is going to college then yes, you do need to keep records/transcript starting in 8th grade. Google sample transcripts.
Q-If I decide to put my child back in public school what grade will they be in?
A-That depends on the school district. They have every right to test your child and put them in whatever grade they test in. In High School they have the right to refuse whatever credits they may have earned.
Q-If I pull my child out of school today do I have to follow the school calendar?
A-Again, that is up to you the parent. I school year round 4 days a week. Some parents do 5. Some school on the weekends only. We use Fridays for field trips, science experiments and make up work.
Q-Should I use workbooks or unschool?
A-That’s up to you! In Texas we are FREE to homeschool as we see fit. Deschool, unschool, no school. It’s your choice. Use the computer, workbooks, YouTube. It’s up to you!
Q-Once I choose a curriculum do I have to follow it exactly?
A-No. You do what works for you. It’s only a guideline to help you.
Q-Do I have to choose an accredited school/curriculum?
A-No. In Texas homeschool is considered a private school. It does not need to be accredited.
Q-How do I issue a diploma?
A-Just buy one from Hobby Lobby or order one online. Add your child’s name to it and your homeschool name. That’s it!
Whatever your reasoning for homeschooling, I hope this helps you on your journey. Remember, homeschooling does look like public school. Above all else, you are capable of teaching your child – even if that means you learn together.
We have several homeschool resources here on Coastal Bend Mom Collective – I encourage to read each of them and see how each family’s journey is a little different!
The Parenting Decision I Never Question: Choosing to Homeschool