Corpus Christi
Hey, what’s up, hello! My name is Taylor Rentz, and I am so excited to start my journey as a contributor to CCMB. I am a 24 year old military spouse, work from home momma of two, small business owner, college student, and United States Navy veteran. My husband is active duty military stationed in Corpus Christi, TX as a recruiter! Suffice to say that life has been, interesting. I grew up just south of Houston in a small town called, Danbury. I have lived all over the country, and even abroad in Japan with my husband John. My hobbies include photography, hand embroidery, singing, dancing, hanging with the kiddos, Jemma(2) and Marren (4 mos), and going to target just to walk around aimlessly at 9 o’clock at night.

Life as a mom has not always been the easiest. I had a very traumatic birth with my oldest, and experienced the deep abyss that is post part depression and anxiety with my second. Breast feeding did not come easy. We live almost 4 hours from my nearest family, so I don’t have a lot of support other than my husband. All that being said, I am so blessed to be able to live the life that god has given me with them.

Life as a photographer has been challenging in all the right ways. I love what I do. With my business being very women centered, it is only natural that boudoir photography would become a labor of love. I love being able to uplift women and have them see their best selves. I also photograph births, babies, pregnant women, and families!!!

I look forward to building love and relationships with this amazing community. <3