My Life as a Young, Single Mom
I had my first child at the ripe old age of eighteen. I went to my senior prom, pregnant. I walked across the stage and accepted my high school diploma, pregnant. I remember my...
Happy World Down Syndrome Day!
One would think that growing up with a sibling with Down Syndrome would have been challenging... maybe even a little sad. That, however, could not be further from the truth, speaking from my experience.
I remember hearing so much about the "terrible twos" while, and even before, I was pregnant with my first child. I couldn't help but picture little, chubby toddlers with devil horns running around.
I, myself,...
The Heart of Our Family
It was my third pregnancy. I had two very easy, uncomplicated ones before it. The time came for the big 20 week big deal. I even remember telling my husband, who usually came...
The Wonder of Motherhood
My son and I went to see the movie "Wonder" over the holidays. He had been begging to see it ever since he saw the trailer. My daughter had read the book in class...
Teaching Our Kids to Respect Boundaries AND DEMAND THE SAME
I usually try to keep my posts light and lean on the side of funny. However, I really feel compelled to broach this subject. Unless you have been living under a rock... which sometimes...
Experiences Necessary
Like most moms, I seem to be the one responsible for all the "stuff" in our house. By stuff, I mean EVERYTHING that belongs to EVERYONE that resides in our house. Clothes, shoes, toys,...
This is 43
So, I had a birthday last week...43.
Apparently, just because I said I wasn't having any more birthdays after the big 4-0, it wasn't enough to stop them from happening. I actually wasn't afraid of...