My Life as a Young, Single Mom
I had my first child at the ripe old age of eighteen. I went to my senior prom, pregnant. I walked across the stage...
Happy World Down Syndrome Day!
One would think that growing up with a sibling with Down Syndrome would have been challenging... maybe even a little sad. That, however, could...
I remember hearing so much about the "terrible twos" while, and even before, I was pregnant with my first child. I couldn't help but...
The Heart of Our Family
It was my third pregnancy. I had two very easy, uncomplicated ones before it. The time came for the big 20 week big...
The Wonder of Motherhood
My son and I went to see the movie "Wonder" over the holidays. He had been begging to see it ever since he saw...
Teaching Our Kids to Respect Boundaries AND DEMAND THE SAME
I usually try to keep my posts light and lean on the side of funny. However, I really feel compelled to broach this subject....
Experiences Necessary
Like most moms, I seem to be the one responsible for all the "stuff" in our house. By stuff, I mean EVERYTHING that belongs...
This is 43
So, I had a birthday last week...43.
Apparently, just because I said I wasn't having any more birthdays after the big 4-0, it wasn't enough...