
Stephanie and her husband are Corpus Christi natives who relocated to the RGV in 2017. Stephanie's passions are travel, Hanson, Disney, motherhood, and writing. Stephanie is a 34-year old work-from-home-wife and mom to three little ones. She has a B.A. in English from the University of Dallas and adores writing a whole lot about… well, everything! Stephanie previously wrote for the Corpus Christi Moms Blog but is now incredibly excited to begin and share the next chapter of her family’s lives in the ever-friendly RGV!

5 Tips for Enjoying Live Music With Littles

I wanted to share a couple fun tips for local concert-going with your little ones. Just because you can’t, or don’t want to find...

10 Tips for Making the Most of Family Travel

Summer is fast approaching and for all you beautiful mommies that typically means you’ll be venturing out on those big summer vacations. Whether you...
Membership Mom Photo- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Membership Mom

I am a membership mom.  Here's why you should be one too. If you are anything like me, you are always looking for exciting and...
Moving with Small Children- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Moving with Small Children

I’m sure you’ve all heard the cliché expression “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”...

Outdoors in the Outskirts

When my husband and I first moved out to Mathis, everything felt like a ten-thousand-mile trek. Grocery shopping? Pack up the suitcases and hook...