Shy Alewine
5 Coastal Bend Date Ideas
Ladies and Gents, it’s date night! Or it could be, if you plan it…Need some date ideas?
So what is there for a couple to...
Things to Do in the Coastal Bend: 15 Unique Ideas
There are so MANY awesome things to do in the Coastal Bend, it can be hard to narrow down the best places to go!...
Participating in Lent With the Littles
The Lenten season is here! In the weeks preceding Lent I have grandiose ideas of all the great things I...
Your Guide to the Barefoot Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras is fast approaching, and I for one cannot wait! I know New Orleans kinda has a market on the event, but I...
I Am Sorry I Am Not There, Life is Busy
I remember a time when if someone would ask me to go to a friend’s birthday party, a wedding, or a girl’s weekend, I...
3 Homemade Gift Ideas for Those Who Can’t Craft
I am the QUEEN of Pinterest fails. No, really: I mean it. I have tried so many things that I pin, and I just...
5 Must-Try Thanksgiving Side Dish Alternatives
It’s a little unbelievable Thanksgiving is around the corner. Ready or not…it is time for turkey and dressing and all the fixings! Though it...
Benefits of Boredom for Kids – with FREE PRINTABLE
Summer is here, school is out, and you are about to hear the endless onslaught of “But, Mom….I’m bored!” It is so tempting to...
Why I Ditched Birth Control for Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is growing in popularity, but certainly not as mainstream as more common family planning options. As many as 65% of...
Lots of Ideas for Celebrating Holy Week and Easter Sunday
Easter season is upon us, but before Easter Sunday arrives, we will encounter Holy Week. Holy Week observances are a great way to prepare...