Shirelle Edghill

Shirelle Edghill

Momfessions: I kind of regret breastfeeding

Why I Kind of Regret Breastfeeding I have a momfession to make: I kind of regret breastfeeding. I say "kind of," because I don't know that...

Discovering my Native American Heritage

Curiosity About my Native American Heritage Growing up, my Dad's Dad, called "Grampy" by his many grandkids, would randomly mention that his family in Oklahoma...

Getting out of a big pile of debt on a low income.

My husband and I were both raised in working-class families. My dad painted billboards and his dad worked on oil rigs. But we also...

Slowing Down and Leaning in: Launching my first child into college

On a pretty normal day last April, I was cleaning my house and listening to a podcast while I cleaned, as I so often...

Meet The Team: Shirelle

Coastal Bend I like to say that I'm from Texas! I grew up in the North Houston suburbs, then spent ten years in Fort Worth,...
Threw Out my Back

I believe in miracles {Or That time I Threw Out my Back While Flying...

I believe in miracles: I threw my back out while I was at the airport flying from Denver to DFW alone with my four...

My Favorite Podcasts From Around the Lone Star State

I love podcasts. As someone who considers herself a lifelong learner, being able to pop in my earbuds while I fold laundry and learn...

Why this ten year anti-vaxx mom started fully vaccinating: Part IV

If you haven't read parts 1-3 of my story from being a ten year anti-vaccinating mom to fully vaccinating my children, you can catch...
play outside

Kids Are Safer Now Than Ever Before: Why I Let My Kids Play Outside

I have these moments where I feel like I'm nostalgic for the "good ole' days," know, the 1990s. It seems like everywhere I...

Why This 10 Year Anti Vaxx Mom Started Fully Vaccinating Part III: Social Media...

In my first post, I shared that as a lonely new mom I learned to parent with the help of internet friends and social...