
Misty is a native Texan but moved to Corpus Christi in 2014 with her family of six when her quadruplets were just eight months old. (That’s right; quadruplets. As in FOUR babies born at the same time.) Misty and her husband Adam spend most of their time tending to their four three-year-olds. She enjoys sharing her adventures in parenting high order multiples and feels that, just as when dealing with quads, it’s always best with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm. Most of the past four years feel like a blur, spent just trying to survive on God’s grace alone: a struggle with infertility, a challenging pregnancy, three moves (two with quads and one while pregnant.) an emergency delivery, 52 days in the NICU, her mother’s battle and ultimate loss to cancer, and then there’s that whole raising quadruplets alone in a city where she knew no one, miles away from friends and family, while the hubby worked out of town. Blogging and ridiculous amounts of Facebook posting have become a way of life not only in order to stay in touch with loved ones, but also to serve as a reminder of where her family has come from and all they’ve been through. Misty leads a busy life tending to the needs of four very active toddlers, substitute teaching, helping others learn about the amazing benefits of Young Living essential oils, and documenting her journey on her blog at www.lotsobabylane.com. Still, there’s always time in her life for God and crafts. Misty is an active member of Bayshore Bible Church and enjoys all things crafty (presently, all things vinyl.)
money- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Tipping Tips – A Mom’s Guide to Gratuity

When are you supposed to tip? It's a question we all ask at some point in our lives. Let's face it; tipping can be...
Hurricane Harvey Aftermath- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Life Interrupted – Surviving Harvey’s Long-Term Upheaval

A friend of mine, who's home was severely flooded in Hurricane Harvey told me a story the other day of returning to their home....
PCOS Awareness- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Let’s Bring Awareness to PCOS

"PCO what?" I'm pretty sure those were my exact words soon after being diagnosed with PCOS in 2006. September is PCOS Awareness Month. But what is...
Woman on Cell Phone- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Unplugged: Breaking the Chain to my Cell Phone

This weekend I did something I've never done since having kids. I unplugged. Completely. I locked that little device that's normally chained to my...
My Life as a Quad Mom- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

My Life as a Quad Mom

When we are out in public, we tend to attract a lot of attention. These days, there are a lot of stares, some pointing,...
Infertility Awareness- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Through Tears and Pain: My Struggle with Infertility

Infertility. What do you feel when you hear that word? For me, it brings back a wave of emotions: anger, sadness, fear, bitterness and...
Surviving Allergy Season : Coastal Bend : Corpus Christi

Helpful Tips for Surviving Allergy Season in the Coastal Bend

Every year, as springtime falls upon us, all of the plants begin to bloom and the pollen counts go up. While the mild weather and springtime scenery remind us why...