
Laura loves her life full of all things boy. She is married to Trevor and together they have three beautiful sons. Her faith sustains her, the coastal air lifts her spirits, and she finds courage in talking parenting with any mom willing to listen and share.
Right or Wrong, the Reality of Age Gaps- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Right or Wrong, the Reality of Age Gaps

Our two young sons were in the backyard jumping high, flipping, and wrestling on the trampoline with a friend who had come over to...
screen, video

The Thrill and Joy of Facetime Jo

I have a back and forth, up and down relationship with all the technology that keeps us “connected.” Perhaps most people do. I often...
Leaving Those Babies at School- First Day of School- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Leaving Those Babies at School

It is truly something to leave your child to face the new and unknown by himself. The first day of school. I don’t think...
I have three boys

Why Yes, I Do Have Three Boys

“Three boys.” A few days ago while leaving church, this was said to me three times by three separate ladies. Raised eyebrows accompanied the short...

The Struggle to Find “Girl Time”

Caring for a baby is lonely, and yet incredibly heart-warming at the same time. This is a time in a woman’s life when she...

“One Day at a Time” Really? Me?

Recently a dear friend asked me, “So, how’s it going with three little boys?” I said to her, “For the first time in my...
craft, children, handprint, flowers, art

My Perfect Mother’s Day

Last year for Mother’s Day, my husband (and two boys) gave me a generous gift certificate to a local spa, with enough credit to...
rain, dawn, sunrise, tears, infertility

Significant Tears {A Journey through Infertility}

Though many tears accompanied my two-year journey through infertility, there are two specific crying sessions that remain deeply implanted in my memories of those...
prevent child abuse

Maggie’s Legacy {Child Abuse Awareness Month}

I will never forget the day I first heard the story of Maggie’s death. Maggie was a beautiful two-year-old little girl who was killed...