Right or Wrong, the Reality of Age Gaps
Our two young sons were in the backyard jumping high, flipping, and wrestling on the trampoline with a friend who had come over to...
The Thrill and Joy of Facetime Jo
I have a back and forth, up and down relationship with all the technology that keeps us “connected.” Perhaps most people do. I often...
Leaving Those Babies at School
It is truly something to leave your child to face the new and unknown by himself. The first day of school. I don’t think...
Why Yes, I Do Have Three Boys
“Three boys.”
A few days ago while leaving church, this was said to me three times by three separate ladies. Raised eyebrows accompanied the short...
The Struggle to Find “Girl Time”
Caring for a baby is lonely, and yet incredibly heart-warming at the same time. This is a time in a woman’s life when she...
“One Day at a Time” Really? Me?
Recently a dear friend asked me, “So, how’s it going with three little boys?” I said to her, “For the first time in my...
My Perfect Mother’s Day
Last year for Mother’s Day, my husband (and two boys) gave me a generous gift certificate to a local spa, with enough credit to...
Significant Tears {A Journey through Infertility}
Though many tears accompanied my two-year journey through infertility, there are two specific crying sessions that remain deeply implanted in my memories of those...
Maggie’s Legacy {Child Abuse Awareness Month}
I will never forget the day I first heard the story of Maggie’s death. Maggie was a beautiful two-year-old little girl who was killed...