
Christin is a native of Corpus Christi and has two amazing kiddos; a son {2003} and daughter {2013}. She is passionate about life and works full-time as a Professor. She is nicknamed {Wanda} by her daughter {Ralphie} who is obsessed with the show The Magic School Bus; brother is {Carlos}. Christin enjoys cooking, working out, shopping at Home Goods, and playing in the backyard with her kids and two cats. She is excited to share her thoughts and life experiences on Corpus Christi Moms Blog.
Our Family’s New Love: City Chicks- Raising Silkie Chickens- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Our Family’s New Love: City Chicks

Our latest edition to our family pet menagerie? THREE baby Silkie CHICKENS!  We got them from a local farm supply store just in time, as...

I’m in LOVE with a ROBOT!

I’m a single mom of two monsters, I mean children... one of which, my two year old, majors in leaving messes. And because I...
DIY Recipes for Simply Natural Skincare- Lavender- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

DIY Recipes for Simply Natural Skincare

I've always had a love for all things skincare: oils, sprays, lotions, scrubs, you name it! And I often wonder what's really in them. ...