Dear Daughter,
Growing up is hard. Life lessons come in many forms. But there is something about mom wisdom, the wisdom that comes with living. These are some of the life lessons that I want you take with you wherever your path leads.
- You are the only you this world has. Don’t change for anyone. The world needs you to be true to yourself.
- Handwritten letters can make a heavy heart feel better. You put a little piece of yourself into every letter you write.
- Never use electronics at a table, especially at dinner. Dinner is family time. Time that you will never get back. Don’t put electronics over people.
- Imagination is like a muscle. It has to be used and nurtured. Make up funny stories. Write silly songs. Pretend. Pretend. Pretend. Use that muscle, it actually comes in handy as an adult.
- Go outside. Play in the mud. Get dirty. Pick up bugs. Pick wildflowers. Pick all the dandelions you can.
- Always be kind. Be humble. You are not better than anyone.
- You have weaknesses and strengths. Learn them. Use your strengths to your advantage. Your weaknesses are simply ways you can learn and grow.
- Watch how people show you love. Sometimes people can’t express their feelings, but their actions never lie. Listen closely to what their actions say.
- A strong man will never be intimidated by a strong woman. Be strong always. The right guy will come along.
- Patience is a virtue that you have to work for. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to get anywhere or finish anything. Take your time.
- Mean girls are everywhere. Don’t let them stop you from living. Always remember this: cruelty may win battles, but kindness and love will always win the war. Don’t stoop to their level.
- Think before you speak, make a decision, and act. You will always have to live with the choices you make.
- Sometimes you will make bad choices. You’ll make A LOT of mistakes. Know you are loved. Apologize and try to make it right.
- Education is important, but so is fun. Don’t get so lost in school books that you forget how to have fun.
- Laugh everyday. Laughter is the best medicine. Life isn’t about being serious all the time, sometimes you do have to laugh your way through a rough spot.
- Learn to make at least one dish very well. Make that your go to dish at potlucks.
- It’s OK to get mad. It is not OK to get even. Learn to work it out with friends and family.
- There are times when people have to lose. Keep your head up when it’s you.
- Do not gossip about people. When you gossip you can never take those words back. If you wouldn’t want someone gossiping about you, don’t do it to them.
- You are not expected to change the world, but please remember to help where you can, when you can, and how you can.
- You may have dreams that scare you. Please chase them. Making dreams come true takes a lot of hard work, but it is worth it in the end.
- Enjoy the storms. The storms in nature and the storms in life. They both leave something beautiful and new in their wake.
- You won’t always agree with everyone, including me. That’s OK. Your mind is your own. Make your own opinions.
- Always stand up for what is right, even if you are the only one standing. You’re voice needs to be heard in moments like that.
- Music helps chores feel fun. Dance around, sing loudly. Learn to make those daily chores fun.
- One day you will get your heart broken. Ice cream and funny movies with some close girlfriends will help. But remember how you felt when your heart got broken, because one day you will break someone’s heart.
- You will never be too old to read the Chronicles of Narnia.
- Your friends will make or break you. Choose wisely. Be the kind of friend you wish you had.
- Never forget that you are an example to someone. Be a good one.
- Forgive. Even if they never say they’re sorry, forgive them anyway. You deserve the peace that forgiveness brings. Don’t let them win.
- If you ever start to feel sorry for yourself, do something nice for someone else. Making cookies is a good place to start. When we give a little bit of our hearts to see someone else smile, we start to feel better.
- Drink lots of water. Use sunscreen. You only have one skin that has to last your whole life. Take care of it.
- Get to know yourself. Learn to love yourself, but remember that its not all about you. Think of others.
- Take LOTS of pictures. Our memories are all we have of yesterdays. Make them good.
- Girls can like Star Wars and know how to use tools. Embrace being a girl and never let anyone hold you back because you are one.