When I was a child, I wanted to grow up and be a lawyer or a politician. I thought debate was fun. I liked logic and the idea of community stewardship. I even had the chance to go to Washington D.C. in middle school to practice debate and learn about our country’s political system.
But in adulthood, I learned and saw first hand what politics could be. I saw people “play politics” and witnessed hidden agendas come to light. I no longer liked politics. And though I by no means write off all politicians, nor the great work many have done, my experience of politics was ugly. It turned me off.
Though I never became a lawyer or politician, I’ve maintained a healthy love of logic, community stewardship, and debate over the years. Political season was my Super Bowl season. I watched news for months on end leading up to elections. I looked forward to political banter, debates, and witty comebacks. (Especially with people who shared my perspective!) I stayed up late on election nights enjoying treats like ice cream or popcorn while I watched results come in.
But this year is different.
Like much of the country, I am disillusioned. I am turned off. Disgusted is probably another good word. I rarely watch the news, much in thanks to my toddler. I’ve seen one debate. And in all honesty, missing the second, surprisingly, didn’t bother me at all. If we’re being totally honest, I’m glad I didn’t see it or follow it on social media.
Although national politics are a mess, I’ve heard many perspectives I agree with. For instance, that we shouldn’t lose sight of the importance of local elections. And, even though making a decision this year is painful, we all have a moral obligation to vote. I can get behind that idea, especially now that I’m a mom. But election and politics aside, there is one thing in particular bothering me this political season. I’ve missed it, or rather, them, terribly over the last few months.
I miss my friends. 
Social media has turned into a battle ground. Friends I previously laughed with and shared so much in common with post angry rants and say ugly things, even threatening to unfriend people with perspectives like mine. Friends and acquaintances are quick to stereotype and make generalizations. Looking for justification, I find myself definitively “liking” and sometimes “sharing” content that mirrors my perspective, only to have someone troll by and immediately dump all over my opinion, even though it’s my right to have one.
But worse than that? None of us are getting anywhere. We are making things worse and awkward by mimicking ugly behavior we’re all turned off by to begin with. We’re hurting each other and getting angry. Many of us are divisive and argumentative. And why? No one is listening. We all know we’re right.
All of us assume we know better than anyone else, that our perspective is the right and only one.
I agree that this election is incredibly important. Without a doubt, I will vote this election day, very much wishing our nation’s circumstances were different. But at the risk of sounding like I’m putting my head in the sand or downplaying the situation we’re in, I just wish this election were over. I wish we could all agree to disagree. I’m ready to laugh and share about all we do have in common. And whether or not their perspective is exactly like mine, I just want my friends back.
You’re not alone in your feelings. I don’t share much about my political or religious beliefs because it leads to belittlement. I wish people could listen with the intention of understanding not the intention to argue!
All so very true. And so sad. I just want it over as well.
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