15 Things You’ll Forget After Having 4 Kids


Things you'll forget

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Y’all… I used to be so organized. As soon as a bill was paid, I’d file it away immediately in a color coordinated file. I used to schedule my firstborn’s wellness appointment months in advance and write the date in a cute little planner. Everything would get put in its rightful place, and we always had clean underwear. I had my crap TOGETHER…

Fast forward 3 more kids later… Now my crap is all over the place… Like my brain. So, from experience…

Here’s a list of 15 things you’ll forget after having 4 kids in 5 years.

  1. You’ll forget about the deadline to write this blog post until a week later. Bless you, Beth, for being so understanding!
  2. You’ll forget where you are in the middle of the night. How is this possible? When you’re going from your bed, to nursing your baby on the couch, to laying down with your toddler after he wakes up, to falling asleep in all 3 places; it’s easy to forget.
  3. You’ll forget to put shoes on your 3 year old, and you won’t realize it until you’ve already arrived (late) to church. Then you’ll shrug it off because 3 out of 4 fully dressed kids isn’t bad.
  4. You’ll forget how to fold clothes. Not really, but it would seem that way because of the massive pile of clean, but unfolded, clothes on the couch.
  5. You’ll forget to eat… But you never forget to drink coffee… Speaking of coffee…Momma Needs Coffee- 15 Things You'll Forget After Having 4 Kids- Corpus Christi Moms Blog
  6. You’ll forget what it’s like to have a hot cup of coffee. So, you’ll momentarily “forget” your hate for microwaves and microwave your coffee 3 times in a failed attempt to finish an entire hot cup of coffee.
  7. You’ll forget what you did all day. At the end of the day when the house is a mess and the kids are finally asleep, you will look around and wonder what on earth you did all day.
  8. You’ll forget to pay the bills. You used to be so punctual and on time. You’d pay the bill as soon as you got it. Now it ends up in a large pile of mail in the kitchen, not because you couldn’t pay it, but because your newborn wanted to nurse while your 2 year old needs a diaper change, while your 3 year old needed you to wipe his butt after pooping, while your 5 year old decided to open the baby gate and smashed his finger… ALL at the same time. I can’t make this stuff up, y’all. So, the mail just ends up in one big pile because you do have intentions of getting back to it later, but dangit, you forget.
  9. You’ll forget to text and call people back. This happens because usually the phone rings during nap time, which is the one blessed hour to yourself, so you’ll tell yourself you won’t forget to call them back… But you do forget, and really it’s not because you don’t love them… You’re just so tired.
  10. You’ll forget where the milk goes… Not really, you have a flippin’ Master’s Degree and you know the milk goes in the fridge, but for some reason you put the milk in the pantry by the oatmeal. That’s $6 of organic milk down the drain… literally.
  11. You’ll forget to schedule doctor’s appointments. You’ll realize this because when they finally do go in to the office, you’ll be informed you’re behind in vaccinations you should have had done 6 months ago.
  12. You’ll forget what it’s like to take a shower. You won’t forget to shave your legs, though. You just don’t bother to think about shaving your legs.
  13. You’ll forget what it’s like to not agonize over what you’re going to wear. Instead of carelessly putting on a cute top and size 2 blue jeans, you think: Will I be able to nurse easily in this top? Does this shirt hide my mommy pooch? Are these pants stretchy enough to go over my mommy pooch?
  14. You’ll forget what life is like without your kids… and you’ll never want to go back. Sure they’re messy and loud, but you could listen to their giggles for days. You can’t imagine not having the joy of singing Jesus Loves Me with them before bedtime. You’ll never forget the first time that newborn baby smiles at you or their first steps or their first word. You won’t ever forget the first time they told you they loved you and gave you a sweet wet kiss on your cheek. That makes all those sleepless and showerless nights worth it.
  15. You’ll forget #15 and decide to go to bed.

Let’s be real. What funny, forgetful things have you done lately?


  1. I absolutely love this, Amanda! I think I deal with each of these daily!!! Made me laugh and cry at the same time!!

  2. I LOVE this Amanda! All of it is spot on! My doctor told me around the 2nd baby that when I delivered the placenta, I’d be delivering my brain, as well. Pretty sure now that she wasn’t kidding. I feel like before kids I had my act together, now I’m luck if I remember what my act is ; )

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