I know with the holiday season, things can get pretty hectic and crazy with all the gift shopping, wrapping, keeping things together at home, all while trying to keep your sanity. I get it, because I am right there with you.
With being so busy during this season, I still wanted to give my kids a fun and easy recipe that we can all do together, to slow time down for a bit.
So, if you are last minute to baking and crafting like I am, I have a super easy and fun treat for you!
“Alexa, Play All I Want for Christmas is You By Mariah Carey”
Ok now that the tunes are in place and you’re getting into the Christmas Spirit, LETS BAKE!
We are making Christmas Tree Brownies! I can eat brownies year round, but lets throw some sprinkles on them for a change.
What You’ll Need:
Brownie Box Mix | I went with Milk Chocolate
3 tbsps Water
1\2 cup Vegetable Oil
2 Eggs
Icing of your color choice. We chose Green
Candy Canes or Peppermint Stir Sticks
And lastly SPRINKLES and LOTS of them!
Lets Bake:
Follow The directions on the Brownie Box Mix

Bake for however long it suggests. The Box I chose is for 24-26 mins
Put a toothpick to check for consistency once the timer goes off. If you have a clear stick you’re good to keep moving on.
Let your brownies cool for about 15 mins before putting any icing on. It WILL Melt 🙁
Once it has cooled down, cut your foil pan on all 4 corners. Fold the sides down so it’s flat.

Cut the brownie into triangles and START DECORATING!

This is the FUN part! While you’re watching your babies decorate their christmas tree brownies, take a step back and take a few pics. This is what our parents felt watching us.
It’s not about the biggest gift under the tree, or even gifts period. This is about Who is around the tree that truly matters.
2020 threw everyone for a loop, we owe it to ourselves to just soak in this time of TOGETHERNESS and maybe make some new traditions of your own.
If you try this recipe, Please Tag US! We’d Love to see what you and your family create!