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As a new(ish) resident of Corpus Christi, I want to encourage my fellow new residents to SPRING into the city!
Moving to a new city is never easy, and even though my family is on move #10 (and city #4) in 9 years, I love the adventure and challenge of settling into a new city. Our time in Corpus Christi has been a true adventure between a hurricane and new job contract, but we love our new home and this opportunity to explore the Texas coast. However, I won’t sugarcoat it- making new friends does not seem to get easier with age. It will take time, patience, and may include many lonely days. But the lonely days won’t last forever.
I am on month nine in Corpus Christi, and I finally feel like I am starting to have a life and make real friends. There is hope!
Disclaimer: Some of these tips may not work for you and your stage of life. I am currently a stay-at-home mom to two young boys (and only one attends part-time preschool.) My husband is an ER physician who works long/odd hours. I have quite a bit of freedom and schedule flexibility without coworkers or classmates’ parents to chat with on a daily basis. However, if you are new to Corpus Christi and a mom who wants/needs a healthy social life, I hope these tips help you navigate your new town and settle into a new community.
Tip #1: Get Out of the House
Whether it’s a spontaneous trip to the park with your kids or an organized play date, make an effort to leave your house and meet new people, especially fellow moms. I have pushed myself to start conversations with other moms at Barnes and Noble, playground parking lots, and even through Instagram. It may not be your comfort zone, but a new city can be so lonely. Social interactions bring hope and a sense of normalcy after long days home alone with your children. Also, find out about local events and GO! Take advantage of events that someone else planned (whether through an online play date group or a city-wide event). Events like Kite Day at Malaquite Beach are an easy invite to moms you may have only met a couple times. We are all looking for opportunities to have fun with our kids and make new friends!

Tip #2: Find a Community
Where did you find your sense of home and family in your last city? My sense of “home” usually centers around our church and community group/Bible study. I make an effort to find a new church and jump into a Bible study or community group as soon as possible. I have participated in the same international women’s Bible study in my past three cities. I am so thankful for a trusted avenue to meet local women quickly and develop relationships through the meetings. My husband works odd and varying hours so attending a community group through church is more difficult for me. However, my new philosophy is no excuses. Even if I am by myself with both boys, I still make an effort to attend. Community is critical for creating a sense of belonging in a new city, and a community group has been critical for me in our past two cities. I am so thankful for the community group and new sense of family that I have already found through our Corpus Christi church.
Tip #3: Live Like a Tourist
I was chatting with a friend this week, and she said the best advice she received about moving to a new city was “live like a tourist.” I had always adopted this philosophy, but never had the exact words to put with it. Live like a tourist. Research your new city, find out what locals love about Corpus Christi and the surrounding area, learn where people go for entertainment, outdoor activities, and community, and start a checklist. Check Yelp, TravelAdvisor, and Pinterest to find popular places and kid-friendly activities. I make every effort to explore a new city as quick as possible in order to discover which activities will become my favorites and easy ways to fill my days with my two boys. As North Padre Island residents, I have already found so many new favorites – Hester’s Café, Cole Park and bike rides along the bayfront, La Playa Mexican Grill in Port Aransas, Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Center, Sunset Lake/Indian Point, the Texas State Aquarium, kayaking in the island canal, BUS (Bar Under the Sun), and the Padre Island National Seashore to name a few.
After an initial run of the top list of Corpus Christi favorites, I am now digging deeper for local favorites and continue to find opportunities to live like a tourist. Even just this past week, I took my youngest son to the Art Museum of South Texas, which he loved, and my husband took me on a dolphin tour out of Port Aransas for my birthday. Both new experiences were such a success, and we continue to find new things to love about the Coastal Bend.