Are you one of the next
Coastal Bend Mom Collective contributors?
Do you love writing and enjoy sharing your story with other moms?
The CBMC writing team is looking for new local voices who are passionate
about the Coastal Bend and who are interested in sharing their stories!
This is a volunteer position that comes with fun perks!
You do not have to be a blogger to apply!
We aim to include moms in all stages of the journey! We love hearing from moms of young children, moms of older children,
moms of adult children, married moms, single moms, divorced moms, moms who have fostered or adopted, moms of multiples,
special needs moms, expecting moms, gay moms, straight moms, women who long to become mothers but might be battling
infertility….you know – pretty much anyone with a unique perspective in this parenthood game!
Our goal is to grow our diverse group of contributors with women who want to connect with other moms in the Coastal Bend!

Interested in becoming a contributor?
Here’s what you need to know!
What you GIVE . . .
- Your passion for moms, kids, and the Coastal Bend area.
- Reliability, team spirit, and your own unique, fun perspective.
- Two original posts per month which fits within the brand and mission of Coastal Bend Mom Collective.
- An active presence on social media.
- Your presence at Coastal Bend Mom Collective events and contributor gatherings, which are designed to be a great time!
- Availability for in-person contributor meetings held a few times a year, or Zoom meetings, as we navigate this pandemic.
- A six-month commitment, beginning September 2021.
- Participation in our Writer’s Retreat, to be held on a weekend in late September/Early October.
- Writer’s Retreat will be at no cost to you and will include training + fellowship + headshots + new team photos!
What you GET . . .
- The opportunity to make new connections and new friendships with other Coastal Bend moms.
- The opportunity to serve on the CBMC Events Team.
- Your photo and bio on the CBMC team page with links to your business, personal blog, and/or social media handles
- Access to our private contributor team Facebook group.
- Training on WordPress.
- Access to information and professional development in the areas of writing, blogging, SEO, and social media.
- The opportunity to enjoy contributor events at different businesses around town.
- The opportunity to participate in contributor giveaway contests with fun prizes.
- Lots of FUN!
Would you like to join the Coastal Bend Mom Collective team as a contributor?
Fill out the Google form application at this link in its entirety
no later than Friday, July 30.
We look forward to hearing from you and growing our team!
We will introduce the newest members of the Coastal Bend Mom Collective team by the middle of August.