Have you ever wondered what to do with your time off? Why not try something exciting or new?
A couple years ago, when I was fresh out of culinary school, I’d notice a food truck sitting outside our apartment each day. At the time, I lived in Austin, and never looked twice at anything on wheels for something yummy. Looking back, I’m disappointed for the ignorance that kept me from stepping out of my comfort zone. I realize I missed out on quite a bit while living there. Now, living in the Coastal Bend, my family and I try as much as possible to take advantage of the culinary experiences we can find at local food trucks.
Food trucks at parks and festivals are one of the new “it” things in popular culture, and the Coastal Bend (and surrounding cities) are no exception. All the positive aspects these rad new businesses offer, including economic development, shouldn’t be ignored. On the contrary, we should all strive to contribute! With two growing kiddos and a hungry husband, I always feel that having these “meals on wheels” can not only be a tasty treat for us, but an educational as well. See, the food truck industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and that old “Roach-Coach” stigma truly deserves to be forgotten. Each and every food truck is different – all the different styles of foods as well as the types of trucks/trailers that have popped into existence.
Driving up and down the road you can find a food truck randomly or simply search on social media! My honest suggestion is to go in blind – at least at first. You don’t know what to expect, so don’t expect anything!
Most of the time you will be rewarded with a sense of relaxation that your tummy and soul will both be filled after a culinary delight. Yes, not every food truck is healthy and might not be in your direct area, but sometimes that just makes it more fun. Let yourself enjoy something simple and random.

Life is short. Why not enjoy the simple tastes in and around your community? Bold and fun times are ahead for you and your family. Grab the keys and head out for a day/night of memories. Learn, taste, and discuss all the different culinary samples your local food truck businesses can offer, because in the end, those food trucks are there to serve customers like you in whatever community they roll into!